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The Age of Civil Unrest – Part II

I have been getting an extraordinary amount of emails regarding our model on Civil Unrest and how governments seem to be gearing up in accordance with our models. People are putting two and two together and assuming we are advising most major nations. Just as the NSA is monitoring the world, every intelligence agency from […]

Money is only a Medium of Exchange & Wealth = Productivity

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong: You said, “The difference between gold and other investments such as real estate and stocks lies in its MOVABILITY.” No.  The most significant difference is that gold is a better choice for money than other investments. JC REPLY: Gold is not money – sorry! Money began as cattle and then bronze and gold […]

Rigging Markets & Michael Lewis

Just to set the record straight, markets can be rigged insofar as when banks act as brokers and keep track of client positions and trade against them. That is standard operational procedure despite Goldman’s denials. That has been going on for decades. There was the typical running of stops by floor brokers. This systemic market […]

US Share Market & high-frequency trading

The US Share Market is like that Pink Energizer Bunny – it just keeps going. The talking heads keep talking to themselves and remain clueless since this is not economically driven from the standpoint of a booming economy. Rather. the economy remains the strongest in the world and we are simply the prettiest of the […]

South Korea

The history of South Korea formally began with its establishment on August 15th, 1948. In the aftermath of the Japanese occupation of Korea following Japan’s defeat in 1945, Korea was divided at the 38th parallel in accordance with a United Nations arrangement. The North was to be administered by the Soviet Union and the South fell […]

North Korea Fires Artillery Shells in the South As they Return Fire

North Korea fired more than 100 artillery rounds into South Korean waters as part of a military drill on Monday, March 31st. The South returned the fire. The North is more-likely-than-not going to engage the South after 2015.75. When the economy turns down, the saber-rattling may turn into actual confrontation. The North will need its […]

The Age of Civil Unrest

All governments had better open their eyes for we are on the brink of a major convergence between both the Cycle of Civil Unrest, Civil War & Revolution and International War. Both of these models converge and as I pointed out at the Cycles of War Conference, this is the first time we have seen […]

World Economic Conference XXV Starts Tomorrow

The seating for 300 at the Cycles of War Conference sold out and additional hundreds viewed it around the world live. The video streaming appears to work well – it was our first attempt at a worldwide broadcast. The feed seems to work for people in China, Russia, South Africa, Brazil, India, and the Middle […]

Understanding Russia

I have clients on every continent and traveled just about everywhere. What I have learned is to understand the people of any nation, you simply have to (1) know its background and history, and (2) its language. The combination of these two elements allow you reach the all critical comprehension of their thinking process for […]

NASA Funded Study says Civilization WIll Collapse

  Apocalypse Now A reader passed this on for comment. NASA funded a study that is yet another Marxist-slanted product that says civilization will collapse because of the unequal distribution of wealth and the exploitation of natural resources. It is interesting that they state that “the process of rise-and-collapse is actually a recurrent cycle found […]