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Marcus Vetter Has Released Another Film on Justice – the Promise

The European Film Festival selected another film of Marcus Vetter entitled the “Promise.” Marcus’ work — “The Forecaster” & “The Promise” are two films exposing to the world the cold fact that the justice system in the United States is anything but honest or fair. This is all about prosecutors moving up the ladder to […]

Thatcher’s Bruges Speech Should be Played on National TV

Margaret Thatcher’s historic speech known as the “The Bruges Speech” was delivered on September 20, 1988. Thatcher’s speech rejected the political union of Europe which is the federalization of Europe. Thatcher proposed instead a wider, decentralized, outward-looking democratic Europe of independence: “I want to start by disposing of some myths about my country, Britain, and its […]

BRITEXIT: The Movie   This is an excellent documentary that exposes the truth about the EU and how Brussels was established to deny the people any possible right to vote against government. The EU Parliament is the only such entity in the world that has no power to create or vote on laws. In fact, it is […]

Market Talk — May 12, 2016

With the US markets having provided the momentum for the opening it was not surprising that Asian equity markets opened with a reluctant bid. Earlier in the day we had heard from the IEA regarding oil supplies and although this was still a discussion point in Tokyo it needed additional enthuses to lift markets higher. This was eventually found in the JPY […]

Market Talk – May 11th, 2016

A positive opening for the Nikkei, trading up +1% at the opening bell but sadly could not hold onto the gains and we eventually closed little changed on the day. The Hang Seng was the poor performer closing down almost 1% whilst Shanghai was a touch better. Asia really had little top topics but we […]

When Will Greece Elect a Real Government?

Protests broke out in Greece over the weekend in Athens and the northern city of Thessaloniki. The government is yielding to Brussels and has not figured out that this policy is destroying its own people and their future. The government passed reforms that they hope will persuade lenders to release more financial aid. They are cutting […]

Now Available: The Dollar Report

This report provides the long-term view for the dollar and euro going into 2020.

Failure of the Quantity of Money Theory

QUESTION: Marty; Are you saying that Bill Gross is wrong and they will not try “helicopter money” again or that “helicopter money” will not stimulate the economy? ANSWER: Whether or not the Fed tries to apply “helicopter money” is highly debatable. Bill Gross DID NOT make a forecast that any QE (Quantitative Easing) would be successful or […]

Monetary Unions – How Fast Can They Collapse?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Nobody seems to be able to answer this question. How fast would the Euro disintegrate if the EU appears to be on the verge of collapsing assuming Britain were to leave? There is a consensus that other states would then begin to also prepare referendums to leave. This question become paramount and you […]

Market Talk — May 6, 2016

A couple of rumors and some nerves ahead of the all important US Non-Farms Payrolls. In mainland China there were rumors that local regulators may want to delay mainland listings of mainland US listed Chinese companies. We will follow-up on this rumor when we hear more information. Shanghai index closed down 2.8% and the Shenzhen B closed down 3.6%. Europe traded sub-par […]