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Individual v Institutional Portfolio

QUESTION: Martin, in today’s answer re: Asset Allocation you had mentioned of helping a couple of large funds prepare for what is to come.Was wondering if we regular folks will also be privy to this info at some point and also will we get a heads up when things are getting closer to the Big Event.In […]

New York Real Estate

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I listened to you perhaps a bit too late. Put my condo on the market here in New York City and nothing for six months. The realtor said they have never seen buyers disappear so fast. Is there still hope for those of us trapped in the Big Apple? GB ANSWER: Real estate […]

Asset Allocation

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, First of all I enjoyed your 2018 Share Market Report and I am looking forward to your video updates. I am one of those retired investors with a typical 50% equities and 50% bonds portfolio. In your recent blog you stated, “The biggest losers have been the asset allocation followers. They assume […]

Dollar Hegemony – Real or Sophistry?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I really wish I found you sooner. A friend of mine has been telling me to listen. He bought the Dow at 17,000 and sold it 26,000 on your advice. He paid off his house and has told me – see, I told you so. I get these emails from the gold […]

Is There a Cycle to Religion?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong,  With the rise and fall of civilizations comes the rise and fall of religion. Are we due for a new religion to be born, or to have a rapid growth of popularity? Christianity grew rapidly during the fall of the Roman empire, and with the persecution of believers, where are we today […]

Conservative v Trader

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I know my friend sent an email to you and is finally listening only after racking up losses. I explained how I followed you since 2015 and bought the Dow back at the end of 2015. I made almost 10,000 points and paid off my house. My family toasts you every Thanksgiving around the […]

Greco-Turkish War – Is it Inevitable?

QUESTION: Message: Hi, huge respect for your eye-opening work. You mention that war is more likely to erupt in the middle east than Korea. Since middle east seems to be in a state of perpetual combat in different areas, do you think war could expand as Turkey is more & more openly hostile to Greece? […]

Wheat & the Drought Cycle

QUESTION: Interesting that $1.3T US spending bill was enacted on March 23, 2018, exactly 31.459 years after passage of US Tax Reform Act of 1986: Also, the 86 year cycle in drought conditions in the midwest US seems to approach – is this why Marty thinks wheat will bottom this year? The below Wikipedia link […]

Monetary Policy is a Complete Failure? Will Shutting Down the Fed Solve All the Problems?

I recently did an interview and was asked about the Federal Reserve. There is so much absolute nonsense sophistry that circulates where people think that ending the central bank will somehow cure everything. I really just laid it out plain and simple. The Fed’s balance sheet is a tiny fraction of the economy or the […]

Progress Report on Socrates Project

  This is an update of the Socrates Project. The outsourcing of front-end redesign is nearly complete. We are getting closer to release. This project has taken a lot more time than I ever thought possible. We had to replace staff who simply designed things around a database that was inefficient and not workable moving […]