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Strong Dollar & Share Market

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I have a problem understanding how could Dow Jones keep hitting records in upcoming years if US dollar gets stronger. Strong dollar will hurt export. Could you perhaps elaborate on this topic a bit? JP ANSWER: Your question assumes the standard ANALYSIS based upon profits. Exports only account for 12% of […]

Market Talk- January 2, 2018

In early 2019 trading, it looked as though we were set to resume the ‘sell at any price’ trend. However, US markets managed to turn that around, but lets discuss that further down this report. Volumes were light in Asia, which is often the case when a major indices has a national holiday (Japan). Scarily, […]

Bureaucrats & their Lack of Common Sense that is Probably a Required Qualification

The story being used against Trump and his travel-ban against the four Muslim countries concerns the sad story of the terminally ill 2-year-old boy, whose Yemeni mother had to sue the State Department to get a visa to join him in a California hospital. His father was American, but the boy’s mother was Shaima Swileh, who had fled […]

Socialism violates the Freedom of Religion

The Socialists are out to blame Trump’s Tax cuts to argue why taxes should be higher. At the beginning of 2018, Trump imposed a spectacular tax cut making the USA much more competitive than its European counterparts. Trump argued that the tax reduction would contribute to the recovery of the economy and finance itself through additional […]

The Political Night Before Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through Capitol Hill Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung for lobbyists to fill with care, In hopes that bankers soon would be there; The politicians were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of Global Warming Taxes danced in their […]

Dow & the Future

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I understand at the WEC you told the audience the stock market would correct sharply into January/February. For those of us who could not afford to attend a WEC, are we to expect the slingshot you have been warning should take place? Thank you; HP ANSWER: Yes. Timing is absolutely everything. DO […]

2014 CNN Journalist of the Year Admits He Just Made Up Stories

On December 20th, 2018, Claas Relotius was forced to resign after admitting that he routinely just made up stories and invented protagonists in at least 14 out of 60 articles that appeared in Spiegel. He had written for the magazine for seven years and won numerous awards for his investigative journalism, including CNN Journalist of the Year in 2014. […]

US Share Market Meltdown?

Everything is still on track for a pullback. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a 14-month low on Thursday, the second consecutive day of sell-offs after the Federal Reserve announced its fourth widely-anticipated rate hike of the year. Interestingly, despite the fact that the rate hike was expected, the Fed’s revised outlook for a cooler […]

The Central Bank War – Nobody Notices

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong: I have watched in amazement how you connect all these elements. Everyone I spoke to agreed this was your best WEC ever. You have said the Fed needed to raise rates because of the pension crisis and it would have nothing to do with inflation but it has to normalize rates to help […]

Why Banks Have Become Judge, Jury & Prosecutor and will Shut you Down Judged Guilty for Nothing That is Actually Illegal

COMMENT: Dear Martin, I would like to share any information on the subject “The Hunt for Taxes and the Abolition of Cash” that you comment on so often: Citi closes accounts of customers who withdraw cash instead of using credit cards The Peruvian author and journalist Jaime Bayly, who lives in Florida, comments political and arts issues in […]