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West v Russia

When governments attempt to persuade the people to their side, the rhetoric becomes so blatant it is stunning that the majority of people just believe what they are told. The typical tactic is always to paint your enemy as some “monster” as Trump just called Assad. You must always demean an opponent and the simple fact […]

Market Talk- April 17, 2018

Again we saw Chinese equity markets suffer even after the better than forecast trade data. The 6.8% release was better than the 6.7% expected but, because March slowed compared to Jan and February this hit confidence in afternoon trading. The morning session had seen positive prints but could not hold the prices in late trading. […]

The Atlantic Current if Slowing Down = Global Cooling

  The Atlantic current is slowing down dramatically. A team of scientists says it is the weakest in 1600 years. Naturally, they attribute it to humans who are driving their cars and heating their homes which is melting the ice in Greenland and that is fresh water which is lighter than seawater. They are predicting, of course, it […]

Interest Expenditures Will Now Exceed Military Spending – We are being Walled-In by our Own Debt

I have been warning for years at the World Economic Conferences that interest expenditures will reach the point that they will crowd out everything else. Well at last, as we enter 2019 and the War Cycle heats up, interest expenditures will now EXCEED even military spending. Welcome to the SOVEREIGN DEBT CRISIS. I have also […]

The Sovereign Debt Crisis has Spread to 119 Countries

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; For the past two WEC events you have warned that the Sovereign Debt Crisis will strike first outside the USA and the rise in the dollar and US interest rates will push emerging markets into default. Since you also said that pension funds had rushed into emerging market debt to get higher […]

Trump Lays the Seeds to World War III

  Konstantin Kosachev, the head of International Affairs for Russia’s Federal Assembly, publicly stated: “There can be only one political assessment: It is a blatant violation of international law and it is an attack on a sovereign state without proper grounds.” Strangely, he is correct. International Law under agreements in the United Nations does not justify an […]

Market Talk- April 13, 2018

Asia has been predominantly better bid but for the Shanghai index. Here we saw values drift in afternoon trading to close on its low (-0.6%). Trade numbers were surprisingly poor for China posting a near $5bn deficit. The Hang Seng dipped with it, but to be fair was plus or minus small all day. The […]

War & Who is the Aggressor?

What is very clear is that the philosophy adopted by the US military post-World War II seriously threatens world peace and it diminishes the dignity of the United States. In the Cycle of War report, I provided the evidence that every single war we have engaged in has been a lie not just the invasion of Iraq […]

War is Coming Because We Need It?

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I find it amazing that you were the only analyst I found who consistently called the bull market in the Dow until January. You have forecast even weather. You have so many correct forecasts there is nobody who even comes close. Then there is your War Cycle that turned up in 2014. […]

Market Talk- April 11, 2018

The US did lose around a third of its gains in the final hour of trading Tuesday, but it still closed strong. It was that confidence that carried some of the markets in Asia forward but there were some that were not convinced. The Australian ASX, SENSEX and Nikkei looked hesitant and took time to […]