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Hate Mail from Russia

COMMENT: Instead of your fishy fiction you should say real story about us (Russian, Ukrainian and Belarus) and 309,6 circle of the Orthodoxy and their Capital in Rus land: Kiev, Moscow, St.Peterburg, Moscow and (Kiev in the future). But you wouldn’t, would you? REPLY: Sorry. That entire region has a very deep history and you cannot […]

Announcing Streaming & Change of Venue

The Cycles of War – Sovereign Debt – Gold Conference on Friday March 21st will be streamed around the world live. The price will be $350. We had to change the venue due to crazy unions that control Philadelphia and are destroying its economy. Apparently, there is a camera man’s union and we cannot have […]

Another NY Trader Jumps to his Death

Another NY Trader jumps to his death in front of a train. The rash of suicides in the financial industry remain the buz of finance. Some say its the markets. Others say Bitcoin losses. Then others say the downturn in banks. It is probably all of the above and what I can say, unfortunately, it […]

The Real Reason why the Constitution Preserved the Militia & Right to Retain Arms

Martin E. Dempsey (b; March 14, 1952) is the 18th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He has come out and stated that while he has been in communication with his military counterparts in Russia, he is also making it very clear that the U.S. military will respond militarily if necessary. He has gone on […]

Marxism is a Dead Idea But Capitalism (Freedom) has Never Truly Existed

The Socialists argue that we actually have a free market economy called capitalism and that is the reason for the economic downturns. They assume we can create an economic flat-line they call socialism/communism. Anything that booms and busts they call capitalism. The real question is when have we EVER had free markets and Capitalism without […]

JP Morgan Cutting 17,000 Jobs – Banking Has Turned Down

We warned that the banks have turned the corner when their cycle finished last year. The NY Post has come out stating that being a banker is not so great anymore. When the ECM turns down 2015.75 into 2020, things for the banks are going to get a lot worse. They are hated perhaps even […]

Crimea was the Origin of the Black Death that killed 50% of Europe

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am impressed with your models and the cycle of war. What has truly astonished many of your readers in Eastern Europe is how you focused on Ukraine and said this is the flash point before anything happened and then you said wait until after the Olympics and then Russia will invade. […]

Expansion of Services

We will be releasing after the conference the third page to the GMW that will contain the Forecasting arrays and charts. We will provide a brief overview of the GMW at the Cycles of War Conference, a more detailed trading review on the Sunday event, and we will be demonstrating an access where you will […]

Deflation Still in Europe

  The Euro is still pressing higher against the dollar on deflation. The geopolitical risks have not yet kicked in and may not until after June. The European Central Bank’s (ECB) decision to leave monetary policy unchanged demonstrates it is not worried about inflation nor do they realize the broader impact of a strong euro on […]

Monetary History of Ukraine

About 1500 BC nomadic tribes appeared on the territory of Ukraine. One of them was the Cimmerians (9th-8th–century BC), which are mentioned in written sources. Scythians, Iranian-speaking people from Central Asia, in the 7th century BC pushed the Cimmerians from the Ukrainian steppes. Around the same period, the Greeks began to establish the first colonies […]