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Candace Owens on Juneteenth

PRIVATE BLOG – International Value & Arbitrage

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Jeffrey Sachs on Ukraine


World Events


The Program that Locked Down the World

COMMENT: Marty that was a fantastic interview with Kim. You should have added that people in the British government who opposed the lockdowns gave you the Gates-funded program to review. You said it was a child’s game like SimCity. You are way too modest. You were a decade before everyone with AI. I was there […]

Biden – Admits He is a Puppet

COMMENT: You are just anti-Democrat and always against Biden. WU REPLY: Sorry, you are so biased you cannot look objectively at anything. When Biden utters the phrase “I’m deviating from the script, and I going to get in trouble” don’t you understand that someone is scolding him if he speaks his own mind? I’m sorry. […]

Kim Iversen Interviews Martin Armstrong


Espionage Act & Abuse of Power

Many people have written in and asked how can Trump be charged under the Espionage Act. There is probably no other Act that has been so abused than this statute. It has been responsible for witch hunts and the deliberate execution of people the prosecutors knew were innocent. This Act has silenced people, been used […]

Blinken to Visit China – What Could Go Wrong?

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is set to visit Beijing this weekend. Blinken was originally scheduled to visit China in February, but it was delayed after Chinese spy balloons entered US airspace. Sending Blinken to China is like sending a thief to rob the headquarters of the National Rifle Association. Blinken has repeatedly offended […]

Biden: Your Children Belong to the Government

To the LGBTQI+ Community – the Biden-Harris Administration has your back. — The White House (@WhiteHouse) June 13, 2023 President Joe Biden admitted the truth – the government is claiming your children as their own. Speaking on his favorite topic, the LGBTQ community, Biden addressed the nation in a disturbing video posted on Twitter […]