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Putin’s Comments on Nuclear Weapons

I have listened to so many Western commentators who all downplay Putin at every stage in this insane game.  Putin is well aware that this is NOT a war between Russia and Ukraine, this is a war between the USA and NATO using Ukraine and Europe as its cannon fodder. The United States has been […]

Accessory Dwelling Units Grow in Popularity

The push for the 15-minute city is underway. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are becoming increasingly popular as cities across the globe are rezoning neighborhoods to permit additional properties to be built on the same land as existing homes. Some are now referring to these units as “backyard homes” as they are becoming a normalized part […]

Candace Owens on Juneteenth

PRIVATE BLOG – International Value & Arbitrage

PRIVATE BLOG – International Value & Arbitrage Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Jeffrey Sachs on Ukraine


World Events


The Program that Locked Down the World

COMMENT: Marty that was a fantastic interview with Kim. You should have added that people in the British government who opposed the lockdowns gave you the Gates-funded program to review. You said it was a child’s game like SimCity. You are way too modest. You were a decade before everyone with AI. I was there […]

Biden – Admits He is a Puppet

COMMENT: You are just anti-Democrat and always against Biden. WU REPLY: Sorry, you are so biased you cannot look objectively at anything. When Biden utters the phrase “I’m deviating from the script, and I going to get in trouble” don’t you understand that someone is scolding him if he speaks his own mind? I’m sorry. […]

Kim Iversen Interviews Martin Armstrong


Espionage Act & Abuse of Power

Many people have written in and asked how can Trump be charged under the Espionage Act. There is probably no other Act that has been so abused than this statute. It has been responsible for witch hunts and the deliberate execution of people the prosecutors knew were innocent. This Act has silenced people, been used […]