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The SEC is Trying to Remove Musk But Not the Bankers. Why?

QUESTION: Is it possible the Gov’t is going after Elon Musk for his opinion on AI. It seems as though Google CEO is working with the Gov’t to collect information against the citizens of the USA and absolutely for an unregulated AI sector. Maybe there is a battle going on between the techies and the US […]

Keeping it Simple Keeps you Stupid

There was a 14th-century Franciscan friar by the name of William of Ockham who is credited with having formalized the principle that “simpler solutions are likely to be more correct than complex ones.” Hence, we seem to always try to reduce everything to a single cause and effect. Some have rephrased this as “keep it simple, stupid,” […]

95% of Bitcoin Trading is Fake?

  There is an interesting concern rising from the too numerous exchanges for Bitcoin. A study has revealed that the market is being manipulated to create the impression that there is a $6 billion market trading every day. This manipulation is all about boosting the image of volume using what the study shows are known […]

The Risks of a Cashless Society

QUESTION: Hi Mr Armstrong, Thank you for continuous education. I hope to get your view on cashless societies. There are worries that nations will move to cashless transactions in the near future. Do you think this will actually happen? My guess is it will be a failure and there will be “black” markets where transactions in […]

The College Scandal

Olivia Jade Giannulli (left) Lori Loughlin(center) It is really interesting to see how many schools are bribed. There are even allegations against Yale. This all seems to be part of a propaganda conspiracy that you cannot get ahead in life without a degree. Most of the major billionaires who created major companies were all dropouts.  Lori […]

The Fate of Europe – Special Report for Rome WEC

As we face a major election this May in Europe, there truly is rising discontent among member states who realize this is just not working. The demands of austerity are tearing Europe apart. Now that the economy is headed down and dirty, the exceptions made for France and Germany are being seen as more proof that […]

Finland Government Collapses & Why the Media is Silent

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your movie the Forecaster was on TV here in Scandinavia. That introduced me to your research. When I discovered your film was on TV in Europe, Canada, and Asia, but not the United States, that merely confirmed the corruption in New York. Here in Finland healthcare is comprehensive and it is taking […]

Is New York Trying to Take Over Tesla By Removing Elon Musk with the help of the SEC?

The biggest potential scandal that would take place is the consistent cover-up of the way New York courts have been used to strip any competitor in the financial industry outside of New York so whatever business they created is usurped by New York. The Michael Milkin of Drexel Burnham scandal of insider trading resulted in the destruction […]

Baby Boom to Baby Bust – The Crisis in Socialism

There is a real crisis in the fertility rate which has fallen to such a low level that all the socialism going forward will simply collapse. What used to be the Baby Boom is now being called the “Baby Bust,” which means that in all first-world countries there is a real crisis for they have […]

Market Talk – March 5, 2019

Asia: China’s Premier Li Keqiang stated that China will face a graver and more complicated environment as well as risks and challenges that are greater in both number and size (in the coming future). He also reduced GDP growth expectation for 2019 from around 6.5% last year to 6%-6.5% this year. A 2 trillion (CNY) […]