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The Use of False Flags to Increase Power

  Historically, Hitler used a very famous event that was the origin of the term “False flag” back in 1933 to reinforce his power. The German False flag used by Hitler was known as the Reichstag Fire. Hitler had a problem. He won less than 35% of the vote. The Reichstag Fire was an arson attack […]

Market Talk- December 12, 2018

The, eventually, positive tone from the US markets were helpful for the Asian opening. However, talk that China and the USA are progressing on the trade talks was really what gave the whole region confidence. All core opened well with little sign of looking back. It was only the Shanghai index that lost momentum towards […]

The Abuse of Prosecutor Discretion Is a Real Crisis

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; your explanation of Cohen’s plea is the most authoritative I have read. In other words, even Comey violated this statute by coming out to exonerate Hillary during the election since that was something of value and was intended to influence the election. Didn’t Obama try to influence the elections in France, Britain, […]

Market Talk- December 11, 2018

Following Wall Streets whippy session and especially their strong afternoon rally, many expected Asia to open firm. However, that was not what we saw and probably supports the view that capital is US bound. Australia did open higher but was almost back to unchanged by late morning trading. Core Asian indices are all suffering this […]

How Gov’t Violates Human Rights using Conspiracy Theory

Ireland is now claiming it needs to pass the Magnitsky Act to defend human rights. The greatest human rights violations take place in the legal system. It was Adolf Hitler’s notorious court that everyone said violated human right because it had a 90% conviction rate against people accused of being Jewish. Well Ireland, like the […]

Clinton Foundation to be Investigated At Last

  All good things come to an end and this just may be the beginning of the long last decline and fall of the Clintons and their inherent corruption. The House subcommittee this week will convene a politically charged investigative hearing into the Clinton Foundation. Then President Trump is nominating former Attorney General William Barr to […]

The Coming Political Siege Warfare of 2019

  As I have warned, the next two years are going to be an outright political siege warfare. Far more damage will be done to the United States and the world economy in this desperate attempt for the Democrats to retake the White House in 2020. Congress will launch its investigation of Trump’s role in Cohen’s […]

Comey & Lynch Subpoenaed Before Republicans Leave

The Battle is On. The House Republicans issued subpoenas to former FBI Director James Comey and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch before the Democrats take control. House Republicans subpoenaed Comey who had previously refused to testify privately and instead asked for a public hearing. Republicans have been investigating the FBI and Justice Department’s decision-making in 2016 and 2017. They are […]

Is the #MeToo Movement Creating a Concrete Ceiling for Women not Glass?

The number one talk behind the curtain going around is the #MeToo movement after the Christine Blasey Ford confrontation against Brett Kavanaugh. The outright slander and lies that were hurled at Kavanaugh have done far more damage to women as a whole than mainstream media cares to talk about. The advice coming down for professional men is to distance themselves […]

Will the 2020 Presidential Election be the Most Violent in American History?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Thanks to you I am paying closer attention to what people are saying in politics these days. It seems to be that this was not a Blue Wave they were waging but a Blue War. It is very disturbing to see the hatred is still brewing against anyone who just wants to be […]