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Market Talk – October 8, 2019

ASIA: The US administration has sanctioned three of the world’s largest facial recognition startups, prohibiting them from purchasing US products or maintaining relationships with American entities. The US is accusing China of unfair treatment of the Uighurs, which China is setting up a database using facial recognition software to keep tabs on its citizens in […]

Using Other People’s Money

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You had said you retired from market-making in the precious metals when in the early ’80s people were claiming to sell Krugerrands for spot with delayed delivery. I think they went bust and went to jail if I recall you said back in 1985. Is this the same thing happening in online […]

Trump’s Polls Not Affected by Impeachment

What is really driving the Democrats crazy is that they still refuse to comprehend why Trump was elected to begin with. He was an anti-career politician. Even the Republicans did not get it. This impeachment nonsense would stick ONLY if the people actually believed that Biden and Hillary were honest and Trump was wrong. But […]

Should Americans Hoard Cash?

  QUESTION: Martin, I appreciate all the information that you provide and just got done reading about money shortage and hoarding. Would it be good for US citizens to hoard also? Is there any difference in hoarding dollars or gold and silver coins? Thanks for your comments. DM ANSWER: In order for gold and silver […]

Market Talk – October 7, 2019

ASIA: Hong Kong protests have entered in to the 18th weekend, in which there has been no slowing down to the protests and violence has been escalating. This weekend has seen protestors using petrol bombs against the police following the controversial face mask ban. The Chinese military based in Hong Kong issued a warning to […]

Precious Metals Desk at JP Morgan Criminally Charged

The precious metals Desk at JP Morgan Chase on September 16, 2019, was criminally charged by the U.S. Department of Justice with being a criminal enterprise for approximately eight years in its manipulation of the prices of gold, silver, and other precious metals. The head of that desk and two other precious metals traders were […]

WEC Tickets – Verifying if We Have Seats Available

What happens when the ECM turns down, civil unrest rises, and capital flees during a pending liquidity crisis? Find out at the "alternative to Davos!" Click below for more information.

Market Talk – October 4, 2019

ASIA: Russian President Vladimir Putin said yesterday that Russia will be aiding China to build a warning system to identify intercontinental ballistic missile launches. At this current moment, only Russia and the US have this installed. US President Donald Trump called on China to investigate on Joe Biden, perhaps again inviting foreign interference in a […]

Nepotism & Politics = Corruption

QUESTION: Didn’t Hillary get her brother a mining contract after giving relief to Haiti? FG ANSWER: Yes. This is what I mean. In the real world we live in, you go to prison for a long time if you do a deal in the private sector where a family member receives some benefit. Hillary’s brother, […]

Market Talk – October 3, 2019

ASIA: President Donald Trump said today that the Chinese delegation would be visiting the US next week for more trade talks. He also expressed that they are doing well. “I have a lot of options on China. But if they don’t do what we want, we have tremendous power,” he told media. Hong Kong’s authority […]