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How Do We Really Forecast the Future?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It is obvious that you have indeed been behind the curtain for your knowledge of even global politics is amazing. Kim Jong Un is here in Beijing. You said he would back down. You said the risk of war lies in the Middle East, not Korea. Your model calls the markets. You […]

Bundesbank Warns German Banks Rates are Moving Higher

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It appears that now the Bundesbank has adopted your view of rising interest rates. How fast do you see rates rising? PY ANSWER: Yes, the Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann has come out and warned that banks should start to make provisions for interest rate risks associated with rising interest rates. The normalization of the […]

Germany Arrests Former Head of Catalonia for Spain Confirm the Spanish Constitution Violates Human Rights

One day soon, the world will suddenly discover that the European Project is authoritarian because they believe the people are stupid and politicians know better. When that day dawns, the crisis in Europe will erupt in total shock and this will undermine the entire economy which has rapidly fallen to even behind China. At the […]

The Fed is Raising Rates Because of the Pension Crisis

QUESTION: The Fed says it will raise rates two or three times more this year. My question is this: If the stock market is crashing, why are they still raising rates? HW ANSWER: The Fed is raising rates because they must be NORMALIZED given the pension crisis. They are trying to get them back up […]

Protectionism & Trade Wars

While Trump is being portrayed and the insane President hellbent on destroying world trade, the truth is the tariffs on steel and aluminum account for 0.2% of GDP or just 2% of actual trade flows of $2.4 trillion. On top of that, every president at least since Jimmy Carter has imposed protectionist tariffs on some […]

Proposed Monetary Reform in Switzerland would Destroy the Country

In Switzerland, we have the perfect example of the old saying – a little bit of knowledge is dangerous. We have activists who are clearly living in a world they comprehend no less than the financial system. These people have managed to get a referendum on changing in the financial system with the same promises of […]

Are Cycle Inversions a Precursor to a Change in Trend

QUESTION: Dear Martin In my own study of cycles, I have observed that cycle inversions occur more often than not at a time when the trend in that time frame is starting to change. Have you observed the same? I look forward to your trader service. Best Regards HH ANSWER: Correct. Cycle Inversions unfold routinely when […]

Do Terrorists Carry Out Archaeological Digs?

That has been the proposition that antiquities were being looted to fund terrorists. There really has been no direct evidence of any such terrorist market in antiquities. A long-awaited report by the World Customs Organisation (WCO) (WCO itr-2016-en)  has finally emerged which focuses on the trafficking of cultural property for the first time. The claims have proven […]

Private Blog – Dow for the Close of 03/23

Private Blog – Dow Jones for the close of 03/23/2018

Is their a Social Cycle in Attitudes?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your article of the whole issue of prostitution. The entire problem is that some western women assume that all prostitutes engage in the profession unwillingly. That is just so biased. What about the women who marry not for love but for money. They are not forced. When the Iron Curtain […]