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Britain & Labour’s Proposal for a Permanent Customs Union

The leader of the British Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, is desperately trying to prevent the Labour Party from fracturing and splitting into two parties. Most Labour Party members want a second referendum in the hope that the people would vote to Remain this time around. Many Labour members remain under the impression that the policy agreed […]

California to Tax Anything & Everything They Can Think Of

COMMENT: Marty, You have to help us out here. California tried to tax text messages. The feds stopped that. Now, LA county wants to tax Uber and lyft. They’re already taxing us, I think, for mosquito control. The mosquito control only hands out info too. It does no real work. This is crazy. Everywhere in California, […]

Market Talk – February 28, 2019

Asia: U.S. President Donald Trump said he had walked away from a nuclear deal at his summit with Kim Jong-un on Thursday as they cannot accept the demands from each other. Kim Jong-un pressed for the end of the US sanctions, however Trump declined as this was not possible until proof of total nuclear disarmament […]

Market Talk – February 27, 2019

Asia: Most of the Major Asian stock indexes increased today apart from the Hang Seng dropping 30.79 points (-0.11%) to 28,740. The Nikkei 225 gained 107 points or 0.5% to 21557; the Shanghai Composite added 12 points or 0.4% to 2954; the Kospi went up 8 points or 0.4% to 2235 and the ASX 200 closed 22 […]

The Public Pension Crisis is Our Undoing

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you for explaining the difference between a public employee pension and those we have in the real world. The fact that the bulk of these people never contributed to a pension was shocking. How is this going to be resolved? GH ANSWER: It will not end well. Government employees have the defined-benefit […]

Market Talk – February 21, 2019

  Asia: Reports from Asia state that China is proposing an agricultural deal worth up to 30 bn a year. This would mean that China would have to source products from the US such as soybeans, corn and wheat. However, this news has failed to inspire any excitement in the Chinese markets today as the […]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for President?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is being affectionately called “AOC” and is the youngest member of the House. She has been garnering media attention for months since knocking off a veteran Democratic lawmaker in the 2018 primary. There have been people proposing that she should run for president in 2024. The 29-year-old can’t run in 2020 since she […]

Market Talk – February 20, 2019

  Asia: The markets had a stronger sense of direction today compared to yesterday with the majority of the markets in the green. After Trump’s comments alluding to the 1st of March as being a date which wasn’t necessarily set in stone, the Nikkei 225 rose 60 bps and the Shanghai added 20 bps more. […]

The Divorce Agreement to Avoid Revolution

  Here is something that is going viral. It is the reality of our political-economic situation as we head into 2032 and begin to watch this cascade out of control come 2020. If we do not respect what is written here, there will be no choice for society and it will lead to revolution and […]

Market Talk – February 19, 2019

  Asia: The Asian markets were mixed today. The Nikkei 225 rose by 10 bps and the Shanghai composite rose by 5 bps. The Kospi and Hang Seng slipped 24 bps and 42 bps respectively. A mixed day with the US-China trade deal still being a backdrop of the month. With the month end looming, […]