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Market Talk – November 15th, 2016

Despite a better than expected GDP in Japan (almost double expectations) yesterday failed to inspire much of a follow through today. That was the case until the cash market closed and it was only then that the Yen took a turn for the worse. In late US trading the Yen broke into the 109 handle […]

Market Talk – November 14th, 2016

In Japan we saw a much better than was forecast GDP release (+2.2% v’s expectations of +0.9%) which created a huge positive move for the Nikkei but to the detriment of the JPY. The Nikkei finished the day 1.7% higher whilst the Yen traded back over the 108 handle a move on the day of around 1.6% […]

Market Talk – November 11th, 2016

With all the fun and games this week it was a fairly quiet day for the Nikkei closing just 0.2% higher on the day. The JPY also behaved itself but with dealers remaining fearful it is only time before we see another leg lower for the Yen. Shanghai finished the week on a positive note […]

Market Talk – November 9, 2016

That was interesting! Obviously well trodden ground now but the DOW futures were around 800 points lower at the time the Asian cash markets closed. The Nikkei was down over 5% on the day and as result of market bouncing in early US trading the futures are up over 900 points (5.75%). The Yen traded […]

The End is Here – Or Is It?

Well, the election that seemed to never end is finally coming to an end, but will it end today? This is very interesting to watch how biased the press has become and clearly they have lost all credibility. This election is the most dramatic I have ever seen in my lifetime. Normally, there is really […]

FBI Clears Hillary for Mishandling Classified Emails – AGAIN

FBI Director James Comey released an official statement saying that with respect to Hillary, “we have not changed the conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton.” There would be no new charges regarding “mishandling” of classified documents. The real story will be the Clinton Foundation. That is what could lead to TREASON. […]

Market Talk – November 4, 2016

As Japan was on holidays Thursday it was today that the Nikkei cash market caught up with yesterdays futures decline. With the market still nervous surrounding the FBI’s investigations ahead of the US elections, coupled with todays release of the Non-Farms Payrolls prices were hit closing down 1.4% on the day way before numbers were […]

Clinton Foundation Being Investigated now by IRS, FBI & Intelligence

Wikileaks has also revealed that the Clinton Foundation, which is the closest thing to a Racketeering Organized Crime Family, is being investigated by the IRS. However, sources also say that the FBI investigation of the Clinton Foundation is far more serious than did she have classified info on private emails. The internal war we have […]

Market Talk – November 2, 2016

As we continue to digest news that Trump may well be leading in some polls, the nervousness surrounding markets is apparent. However, that is the case for international markets where Asia saw the Nikkei and Hang Seng lower by around 1.5%, whilst the Shanghai lost just 0.6%. We even saw a rally in gold of […]

Stock Market Crash & Gold Rally?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; So many people keep calling for a stock market crash. At the same time, it has hung on to the 18000 level in the Dow for dear life. Do you see such a devastating crash as even possible? PJ ANSWER: No possible way. Retail participation is at near record lows. It has […]