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2015 World Economic Conferences

We have begun preparing the handouts for the 2015 World Economic Conference (WEC). We will focus on the best trading opportunities moving forward. We just opened the Princeton conference and are selling tickets for our U.S. session. We were overbooked for that venue but opening up Berlin allowed some people to move their reservation to […]

The Right to Notice, Ignored by Government

You cannot be found guilty unless you KNOWINGLY violated the law. The way they get around this is they PRESUME you KNOW the law. The millions of laws they enact each year, you are supposed to know, so Congress just has to write a law and you are PRESUMED to know what they wrote. One of the greatest tyrannies of government is the […]

Velocity of Money

The decline in the VELOCITY of money is rather alarming. On the one hand, it reflects the declining liquidity within the marketplace from the rising trend of hoarding money from banks (DEFLATION), as well as the overall socialistic trend as government consumes a greater proportion of the economy GDP. Velocity = GDP / Money Supply, if the […]

2015.75 = The Crash in Government

To set the record ABSOLUTELY straight, the “C R A S H” we see on the horizon is by NO MEANS the private sector and the stock market. It seems just using the word “crash” leads people to assume we are talking about another stock market crash. Interestingly, inaccurate reports have said that I have said that were will be a “stock market […]

Deflation – When Will It End?

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, It is CRYSTAL clear that your call for a deflationary cycle has been right on the mark. No one else saw it coming. The changes that are part of this were not as visible even a few years ago like they are now. (Of course they were to you!) I can see […]

Four Banks Plead Criminally Guilty to Currency Manipulation

Back in 1999, I stood up in court and objected Alan Cohen’s demands for my lawyers to turn over tapes of conversations I recorded to protect me as a journalist when I was writing about the various bank manipulations. I told Judge Richard Owen that those tapes revealed criminal activity by the major banks in […]

The Collapse of Socialism – It’s Our Turn up to Bat

The entire idea of Marxism is coming to a real crash and burn. China and Russia experienced that collapse in 1989.95 with the turn in the Economic Confidence Model. The events began with the crackdown that initiated on June 3-4, 1989, which became known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre.  The fall of communism began when military troops with […]

Poland – Zloty

Poland is legally obliged to switch its currency to the euro under the terms of its 2004 EU entry. Nonetheless, Poland has continually demurred amid the Eurozone’s financial woes and voter opposition to exterminating the zloty, its national currency. Killing the zloty will only bring massive inflation to Poland and serious harm to its economy. Poland’s […]


The reception in Europe has been stunning. In Dresden, I was even handed flowers. The Q&A went for more than 2 hours after watching the film. The interesting aspect is how outside the United States the people are much more aware that there is a huge problem. They tend to not grasp that the debt […]

Flash Crash Prosecution

The latest pretend prosecution for the 5-year-old Flash Crash of 2010 illustrates just how corrupt New York really is. They ONLY criminally prosecute people who are not from New York. The Madoff case blew up in their faces after countless warnings that there was a fraud reported by many in the industry, which they all ignored because […]