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Did Browder Have Magnitsky Killed?

The Russian prosecutors on Monday has begun a criminal investigation into Bill Browder of ordering the murder of accountant Sergei Magnitsky and several other business associates. Anyone who has watched the banned film on Magnitsky is left with that very impression that something is not quite right. It really made no sense for Putin to kill […]

Rising 3rd Party Trend

Although the recounts have been going on, the Republicans still seem to be winning both governorships and the Senate. The Blue Wave fizzled out and their victory in the House still produced fewer seats than they held before. That FOX poll that reported 46% of Republicans identified with Trump rather than the GOP clearly shows that […]

Market Talk- November 16, 2018

A relief rally after a poor opening for US markets and that confidence did roll into Asia, but only for a short time. The Nikkei opened well but then saw selling and the heavy mood softened the index into the weekend. This trade could also have been a balanced trade for the Yen, which is […]

Real Estate – Taxes – Currency

COMMENT: Dear Martin, I bought ‘The World Real Estate Report’ at the end of 2016. It stated that Australian real estate was going to fall after the first quarter (March) in 2016. The property prices in Melbourne (where I live) continued to rise in April 2016 so I sent an email to Socrates Support asking […]

Raab Resigns from BREXIT negotiations – May is tottering on Losing the PM Post

The British pound has dropped 1% today and is trading in the mid 127 level. The rumor running around the City (the financial sector in London) is that Prime Minister May has called an emergency press conference and she will resign handing power to Michael Grove. However, it may be more likely that  Grove has […]

CNN v White House

CNN has filed suit over Trump banning Acosta from the White House claiming they have a First Amendment right. Trump says CNN’s Jim Acosta is ‘bad for the country’ and was ‘very rude’ to a female intern during microphone clash as White House argues in court that ‘no journalist has a First Amendment right to enter’. Actually, […]

Attorney Michael Avenatti ARRESTED for alleged Domestic Violence

Attorney Michael Avenatti, who became famous for representing Stormy Daniels in her defamation lawsuit against President Donald Trump, and has brought other women to testify in the Supreme Court hearings, was arrested for suspected domestic violence on Wednesday, according to the Los Angeles Police Department. The police have confirmed the arrest but state it is […]

The Rise of Nationalism

Part of the War Cycle we have been warning about since it turned upward in 2014, is not merely international tensions between nation-states.  This particular uptick is the convergence of two cycle – (1) the international tension, and (2) the civil unrest. I previous warned that because the civil unrest would turn up, this should […]

Goldman Sachs – Preparing for Waterfall Event?

The rumor mill has been hot concerning Malaysia and Goldman Sachs for the past two years. As it was turning into a criminal investigation Lyod Blankfein coincidently decided to step down at age 63. That was announced last March when he said he would step down by the end of the year. Then in July, Blankfein […]

The Realist View of the Midterms

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your take on the midterm elections is that the Democrats really failed and simply won a symbolic victory? Thank you IE ANSWER: Yes. The Democrats keep making lower highs and deeper lows. They do not review the major trend nor are they willing to revise their central theme.  While the Democrats won the majority […]