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Ukraine Mercenaries Attack Protesters Killing at Least 5

Ukrainian riot police who are basically mercenaries attacked the protesters and at least 5 are dead. The 12-week-old protests against President Viktor Yanukovich are coming to an end as the ruthless Yanukovich demonstrates to the world he will kill his own people to retain power. There is no democratic Ukraine. The attack came after Moscow […]

Global Warming & Snow Everywhere – Proof now of Global Warming? They Never Heard about Thermodynamics

COMMENT: Sir, Living in Switzerland and being aware of the little ice age that extended the local glaciers to significantly lower elevations, I was curious to look into the research of  Baliunas. As a citizen of Australia I was gobsmacked to read in the opening pages of this research that links considerably cold weather in […]

Russia to Expand 2017.786

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) formally ceased to exist on December 26, 1991 (1991.986). Three wave of 8.6 years targets when Russia will attempt to rise and that places us squarely within the scope of the Cycle of War – 2017.786.

The Model & The Dogs or War

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your cycle of war seems to be truly amazing. It was a fascinating read. My question is this. I also understand that 911 took place precisely on the day of your model. Besides your cycle of war predicting World War I and II to the day, has your Pi conjunction that targeted […]

Mount Kelud Erupts on the Island of Java

On May 19, 1919, an eruption at Mount Kelud killed an estimated 5,000 people. More recent eruptions in 1951, 1966, and 1990 as well a 2007 demonstrate the activity in the Ring of Fire. This is coming on time as well for the major cycle is 34 years and the short-term cycle is 17.2 years. […]

Global Warming Why it is Nonsense

A few people have written to say I have a closed mind with respect to the impact humans can have on the environment. I dare say flip the coin – you are assuming we have the capacity to alter the planet as if we were God. I have investigated this very carefully. Like markets, yes […]

Tis the Season for War

Tis the season for war and tensions continue to rise on every possible front. I have received so many questions as to how can our Cycle of War be so accurate. This is not a single dimension analysis. It is not my personal opinion. I am not a talking head to fill air time with […]

Global Warming & Random Walk Theory Have a Lot in Common – They are Both Nuts

Global Warming is clearly a bunch of hot air. It seems to be a theory made up by a bunch of guys that got drunk one night and said – Hey man! It is warmer this season than last! Wow! We must have caused that man! Word! This is the coldest year day after day on […]

Tensions for War Are Rising Globally

In Japan, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe bluntly spoke the truth that the current Sino-Japanese tensions and relations are similar to those between Britain and Germany on the eve of World War I. Indeed, the Financial Times reported that Abe said on Wednesday that Japan and China are in a “similar situation” to the two European powers […]

The Winds of War – R the Markets Responding?

The markets are starting to align with the Cycle of War and this includes gold. This is a very serious development and it is why I stated previously that gold had reached our minimum objective. At the very least, there is room for a rally if we elect some key Bullish Reversals. Not even the oscillators […]