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Romanian Private Debt Crisis Erupting

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Dear Mr. Armstrong, What you wrote concerning the possible repeated start of the banks collapse from Austria, once again, is right. The biggest lenders in Romania are some Austrian banks, among some Greek ones which are already in a coma. A new law has been passed and violent attack started from […]

Commodity-Based Countries to Liquidate Wealth Funds & Gold

QUESTION: Marty, at the Berlin cocktail party you said we may yet see gold sales from oil producing countries if oil breaks your yearly number of $35 for year end and gold closes below 1044 or so I think. You said gold could then reach that $——- level you mentioned in the conference. It looks […]

Market Talk — December 18, 2015

It was not just the large/last option expiry, but also the Friday before Christmas (the biggest party night of the year) when the Bank of Japan supplied an early headache to the markets as they announced additional QE — despite leaving rates unchanged. We heard of two major announcements this morning, one being an extension […]

Investor Level Service

The Investor level of Socrates is now available! For the low price of $10, users may sign up for a 30-day trial to familiarize themselves with the site. After that time, users will have the option to sign up for an annual subscription in the region(s) of their choice for $150 per region. The three […]

Gold Into the Abyss?

QUESTION: Marty, thank you for the conference. I have made more than 10 times the seat price just on your top couple of trades. I see the world differently now for the first time. My question is on Gold. You said it will move down and that the big risk is the first quarter. It […]

Market Talk — December 17, 2015

Asia roared-on after all the fun and games in the U.S. with the Nikkei and Shanghai indices closing up close to 2%. Mid-price in yuan was fixed even lower (by the PBoC) at 6.4757; the yuan is allowed to trade within 2% of official fixing rate (previous 6.4626). Also worth mentioning here is the HKMA […]

Market Talk — December 16, 2015

An impressive performance overnight in Asia as we saw the Nikkei back above the 19k level with the 20k psychological target as the next barrier. Europe wanted to soldier on upwards but doing so ahead of the Fed’s announcement is a hesitant trading period. Most dealers were on hold, awaiting this evening’s announcement, and although […]

Market Talk – December 15th, 2015

All Asian markets failed to show positive signs but it was the Nikkei that was probably more of a concern, having rejected the 19k figure despite a strong open and morning session it eventually closed -1.65%. Core Europe saw a strong day with all Indices going from strength to strength. We saw UK inflation data […]

Market Talk – December 14, 2015

A mixed session in Asia in what was very much an overhang from Friday’s session but also very weary of the Fed in two days time. It is interesting that European equities continue to trade heavy (DAX, CAC, FTSE -1.75%) into the Fed, despite Mario Draghi’s comment earlier this morning. There are rising concerns about […]

Market Talk – December 11, 2015

Asia managed a mixed session torn between the falling oil price and the Dow’s rally. Europe was very sure what should happen when oil was hit again this morning. WTI and Brent fell another 1.5% on the back of an earlier report from the IEA (International Energy Agency) and they are forecasting a slack in 2016 based […]