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China Bubble or Breakout?

QUESTION:    I’m a reader from China and one of the big fans of you in our country. I want to ask you a question and would be very happy to get your reply. If my memories are correct, you have been a bull of China and praised Chinese leaders for their competence. But in reality, […]

Fitch downgrades China’s In ANTICIPATION

The Fitch downgrade of China’s credit rating is interesting because it is ANTICIPATING that China will have to bailout the state and local governments as well as banks. Under this approach, Europe should be downgraded to JUNK status.  Fitch downgraded China’s sovereign credit rating for the first time since 1999 because of concerns that the […]

China’s External Debt in Euros Drops to below 7%

In terms of currency structure, China’s debt in U.S. dollars accounted for 77.83 percent of the outstanding registered external debt. Debt in euros accounted for 6.58 percent, while debt in Japanese yen was 7.37 percent.

China Learning from the Past

Unless you go through trial by fire, you just do not get it. Obama and Europe are headed toward pure disaster. Both are plain stupid and fail to recognize that government employees are NOT good for the economy, they COST the economy money for they are like hiring a maid at home who brings in […]

China Moving to Insure Bank Deposits

China is moving closer to insuring bank deposits. This will be a major step in economic stabilization moving forward.

Indirect v Direct Taxation – a Lesson From China

The SHANGHAI Daily has reported one of the greatest problems with taxation. China has been trying to curb real estate speculation. In Singapore, the passed legislation that you cannot borrow for a mortgage that would not be paid-off by the age of 65. That is at least more direct. China has imposed a 20% tax […]

China Moving Closer to Floating Yuan

China is set to use swelling offshore holdings of its tightly-managed currency worth around 1 trillion yuan $160 billion (106.33 billion pounds) to justify a landmark shift in tactics to relax capital controls. People’s Bank of China (PBOC) will abandon a time-table approach to liberalizing China’s capital controls. Instead, they are adopting a series of […]

China Beat USA in 2012 – Happy New Year

People who have questioned whether our computer model is correct in forecasting China will become the new Financial Capital of the World had just better take a look at the numbers for 2012. The total exports and imports of goods last year for the USA totaled $3.82 trillion according to the US Commerce Department. China’s […]

China Trade Surplus Declining Since 2007

China’s ratio of current account surplus to gross domestic output (GDP) dropped to 2.6 percent in 2012, its lowest in eight years, over more balanced foreign trade, official data showed on Wednesday. The ratio was down 0.2 percentage points from 2011 and extended a falling streak since peaking at 10.1 percent in 2007, according to […]

China v Japan – War? There is a major dispute over some tiny uninhabited islands in the South China Sea. One may think this is nothing. They are just tiny islands not worth going to war over. WRONG! The islands are just the excuse. The issue is the festering hatred of Japan throughout Asia for World War II that […]