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Major Banks Debanking Christians

Debanking has become a major issue in recent years as institutions feel the current government gives them leeway to discriminate against customers based on their political beliefs. This is happening throughout the Western world. Most recently, fifteen attorneys general sent a letter to Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan about his bank’s “troubling financial pattern” […]

Lighting Your Fireplace will Be a $500 Fine for CO2 Police

  I remember that growing up, my parents would light the fire on Christmas. We would listen to Christmas music and snuggle up in front of the fire. Now, if you light a fire, you are destroying the planet, and that is grounds to fine you. I suppose if your house burns down, insurance companies […]

OMG We Will All Die by 2027? Party Time!

  Since the Climate Change nuts swear we will all die in just 3 years, you might as well stop working, go party, don’t bother paying your bills, and when you are done celebrating in a NY Restaurant, just walk out. If they complain, say Biden has confirmed we will all die by 2027, just […]

Russia Set to Outpace All Advanced Economies – Sanctions FAILED

Sanctions and the removal of Russia from SWIFT have not deterred the Russian economy. A recent report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts that Russia’s economy will grow more in the next year than any other advanced economy. The IMF believes Russia’s economy will grow by 3.2% in 2024, in comparison, the US is […]

Why We Cannot Reach the Fed’s 2% Inflation Target

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) released on April 10 by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that inflation rose by 0.4% on a monthly basis and by 3.5% on the yearly. One must only look at their bills, items in the store, or open their eyes to see that the cost of living in […]

Judge Merchan’s Trial Will Destroy USA Like Trial of William Penn

New York Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan is a seasoned jurist who is no stranger to Trump’s orbit. He has presided over the Trump Organization tax fraud trial, sentenced the former president’s close confidant Allen Weisselberg to prison over his role in the scheme, and overseen former Trump adviser Steve Bannon’s criminal fraud case. There […]

Lower-Income Americans and Republicans Least Likely to Switch to EVs

I explained how the private sector does not wish to switch to EVs amid high production costs and low demand. A recent Gallup Poll found that Americans do not want to own an EV, and the plans to eliminate fossil fuels do not align with the wishes of the people. Around 7% of respondents, up […]

We are TOO Stupid to Vote

Aristotle believed that after Pericles died in 429 BC, the demos had continually appointed charismatic demagogues who undermined Athenian democracy. The three main Greek philosophers were against Democracy because the people were too stupid and uneducated. This is where we had even John Kerry claiming Trump’s election was because of “populism,” and this must be […]

Collective Debt – We Must All Pay for Student Loans

Biden is destroying the financial future of generations with his reckless spending in an attempt to buy votes. Fed Chair Powell nearly admitted it in his interview with 60 Minutes in which he urged the government to show restraint when plunging the nation deeper into debt. Biden and the Democrats are cheering that he will […]

Trump will Be Found Guilty in NYC And Bragg Will Try to Imprison Him

  New York City is out to destroy Donald Trump, and Alvin Bragg’s criminal trial starts today – Monday. We already know the outcome – Trump will receive nothing of a fair trial, and Bragg, with the judges, will find Trump Guilty, and they WILL try to imprison Trump on Riker’s Island and cheer when […]