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The Hunt for Global Taxes

The proposal is to create a global tax rate as world leaders move to create a one-world government. The United Nations, behind the curtain, is preaching that ONLY they can solve the world crisis in climate change, for it requires a single government to control the world. On top of that, Bill Gates has taken […]

Mysterious Force of Synchronization

There is an enigmatic power which is the true Mysterious Force of Synchronization which exists in everything within the universe from electronics,  biology, all the way to planetary movement. This mysterious force is known to engineers and even the military. In 1831, there was a rather interesting collapse of the Broughton Suspension Bridge in Manchester, […]

NYC Imposing COVID Passports & Biden Preparing for Same

Well you can cross the Big Apple off the Tourist list. New York City will be the first to impost Vaccine Passports to enter places. There goes Broadway. If that does not end NYC, I suppose nothing else will. You would think that if this was closer to the Spanish flu with a 3% kill […]

Trudeau Moves to Install Guaranteed Basic Income in Canada

    It is very interesting how Trudeau has called anyone who uses the term “Great Reset” is a conspiracy theorist, and he intends to just focus on helping Canadians. Those who are engaged in this Great Reset know they have the media on their side to push this Agenda 2030 forward without anyone ever […]

The Real Vortex & Astrology

  QUESTION: Do you ever use astrology? EK ANSWER: No. Astrology I believe really dates back to at least the Babylonians. They conducted a research project cataloging everything and attempted to correlate it to events. Clearly, astrology originated in Babylon far back in antiquity, with the Babylonians developing their own form of horoscopes around 2,400 […]

Clarifying Wind Turbines

It is possible to include heating elements in wind turbines to prevent freezing. They never took that into consideration in Texas where the wind turbines probably supply as much as 10% of the power. The same problem took place in Germany. Nobody seems to have done their research into historic weather patterns. I have said […]

It is Snowing in the Desert in Saudi Arabia

  It is snowing a lot in Saudi Arabia. This has nothing to do with CO2. The sooner we start to listen to great research instead of propaganda that has been manufactured to covertly allow the United Nations to dominate the world, which by the way, they have been lobbying for a Carbon Tax worldwide […]

Why Global Warming was a Total Farce & it’s Now Incorporated into the Great Reset

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, your computer and you have been correct on everything from politics to markets and even climate. You said we would be headed back to global cooling.  Was this based on the solar waves of energy from the sun? Thank you for the thought-provoking blog DL ANSWER: This is the Western Plague in […]

60% of Americans Now Want a 3rd Party – Good Bye Republicans & Democrats

Right on time, Our computer has been forecasting the political trends amazingly. I have warned that Socrates targeted 2022 as a Panic Cycle in Politics. The Biden Administration is turning the country upside down claiming climate change must be stopped instantly. Yet the severe cold this winter is also right on time as our models […]

Democratic Majority in House drops to just 5 people

Socrates had forecast a declining trend for the Democrats and their majority is so razor-thin, they have a serious problem. This is why Biden is circumventing Congress altogether and using executive orders to implement Schwab’s Great Reset. In the House, a judge has ruled that the NY-22 congressional election is finished handing the victory to […]