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The Long-Term is not Spontaneous

  Many people are always skeptical about forecasting for they first tend to confuse what we do with others who just express opinions. Secondly, they assume because you cannot predict the closing price of the Dow Jones tomorrow, then how can you possibly forecast years and decades in advance? This paradox incorporates trends, connectivity with […]

July Recap of Few Markets

  The closings for July were quite important in the long-run.Gold on a nearest futures basis closed July at 1281.30. Support during August will lie at the 1240.00  and resistance will form at 1285.00 on a closing basis with 1318.00 followed by 1350.00. We do not see a possible final low before Jan/Feb 2015. The […]

State of the World Trends

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Firstly, I would like to thank you for discussing economic and political matters in an honest and frank manner.  It is difficult in the present world to find individuals with integrity, and I am aware that you have sacrificed a great deal in order to maintain yours.  As a student of […]

Then & Now – Always the Same

We are at the 1927 Phase of events that is important to understand. There has historically always been a difference in economics trends between Europe and America. This became self-evident back in 1720 that was the Mississippi and South Sea Bubbles. One of the earliest forecasts that our computer made back in 1980 was that […]

US Share Market View

The first Daily Bearish Reversal in the Dow Jones Industrials lies at 16459. We need a closing beneath that for a pause and a close beneath 16131 for anything more prolonged. Yesterday was the Directional Change that produced a temp high. The next turning point is due tomorrow. The key weeks ahead at 05/26 and […]

US Share Market Update

  The Dow Jones Industrials have in no way made a major all-time high despite all the prognostications of a major crash. As stated at the World Economic Conference, yes we see a correction near-term with volatility starting to rise in June into next January. The oscillator is at the top and is starting to […]

US Share Market

  We can see from the daily chart in the Dow Jones Industrial Index that there is a rather flat topping pattern. This suggests that we should see new highs and that in no way has this been a nice clean isolated high that would signal the collapse of the markets as so many keep […]

China’s Exports Collapse by 18.1%

I have warned that China’s exports were an illusion and that there was a huge carry trade borrowing dollars in Hong Kong at 1% and depositing the money in China getting 6%. But trade tracks money, not goods, so the illusion that China was still expanding was a good one – but still just an […]

The Cycles of War Model – WHY

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have followed you since your 1985 conference in Princeton. It was your advertisement in the Economist that caught my eye when you bluntly stated that the deflation was over and a major change in trend was at hand. I watched you forecast the takeover boom and I was shocked by your […]

March 21st Cycle of War – Gold – Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference

The Cycle of War is turning up in 2014 and this cycle is already having a profound impact both internationally as well as internally around the globe. This cycle has been extremely accurate and has been established using a database that has indexed the war cycle distinguishing domestic conflicts (revolutions) from international war. This index […]