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The UN & its Plan to Rule the World

  I have been in meetings over the 40 years of my career, which were always dancing around the idea that we needed a one-world government. There have been those who have tried to get me drunk, hypnotize me to get me on a private jet to some secret place, to try to entice me […]

Market Talk – May 17, 2021

ASIA: China’s factories slowed their output growth in April and retail sales significantly missed expectations as officials warned of new problems affecting the recovery in the world’s second-largest economy. Factory output grew 9.8% in April from a year ago, in line with forecasts but slower than the 14.1% surge in March, National Bureau of Statistics […]

Market Talk – May 12, 2021

ASIA: As with most developed nations, China reported a significant decline in births last year (0.53%). The nation abandoned their one-child policy in 2016 that was put into effect in 1979, however, the population has continued to decline. China’s birth rate was 0.57% between 2000 and 2010, with a total population f  1.41 billion. The […]

Market Talk – May 11, 2021

ASIA:   Moody’s Investors Service on Tuesday slashed India’s growth forecast for the current financial year to 9.3 per cent saying that the second wave of coronavirus infections hampers economic recovery and increases risk of longer-term scarring. With this, Moody’s has joined several analysts who revised their GDP forecasts for India in the face of […]

Beijing Beats New York City

A number of people often send nasty emails because they do not like the forecast that China will become the next financial capital of the world. The forecasts we put out are NOT based upon my OPINION. I simply report what the computer projects. This Great Reset is playing right into our forecast, for they […]

Fake News Knows What It is Doing

COMMENT: I wrote to the ________ news and pointed out that you had a computer model that beat all the models that Gates-funded to use to create these lockdowns. They never responded. HJ ANSWER: Oh it is worse than that. One of the top five newspapers in the world wanted to write a story about […]

Market Talk – May 3, 2021

ASIA: A report published by group of analysts says that the “peak” of China’s economic growth has already passed or will soon do so and momentum will only “wane” further for the remainder of the year, after slowing domestic and overseas demand led to lower-than-expected sentiment in the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors in April. The […]

Are we Headed into Another Ice Age?

Our model has projected we are entering another “grand-minimum,” which will overtake the sun beginning in 2020 and will last through the 2050s, resulting in diminished magnetism, infrequent sunspot production, and less ultraviolet (UV) radiation reaching Earth. This all means we are facing a global cooling period in the planet that may span 31 to […]

Real Estate into 2023

QUESTION: Marty, at the Orlando WEC, I asked you if your real estate forecasts for residential included condos. I believe you said no. I bought a house when your index elected a monthly bullish reversal in June 2020. Everything seems to have doubled since. Do you think your forecast into 2023 is influenced by the […]

Fourth Industrial Revolution Failure

QUESTION: As a programmer and a client of Socrates, I can tell this is not some neural net or deep learning AI program. What you have created goes far beyond that. Do you care to share your design? HS ANSWER: No. I fooled around with neural nets back in the 80s. I could see they […]