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Turkey to Confiscate Gold in New Clever Way – To Help Citizens Earn Money

  The dwindling credit of Turkey and significant decline in its currency, has led to the new clever idea of confiscating gold with a smile. The Turkish Central Bank has come up with an idea of how to confiscate private gold while pretending they are helping you earn more money. Their objective is to make […]

Private Blog Gold Update April 11th, 2017

Private Blog Update for Gold – 4/11/17

Why Gary Cohn of Goldman Sachs Supports Restoring Glass–Steagall

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; In Germany DWN wrote that Cohn of Goldman Sachs is in favor of returning Glass–Steagall. This seems strange. Do you have any insight? ANSWER: Very simple. Glass–Steagall was separating investment banking from banks. Goldman Sachs is by no means a traditional bank but were always an investment bank. If you restore Glass–Steagall this […]

Socialism – Family Structure – Gold – Food

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you said that socialism is collapsing and the West is most vulnerable because it changed the social structure and the family unit. Spanish families from Mexico seem to be much tighter groups than Americans. Is this what you are talking about? Did the ancient Greeks save money for retirement? Is that why […]

Trump Attacks Syria – Gold Pushing Higher

  Trump authorized the U.S. military to launch more than 50 missile strikes aimed at an airfield near Homs. Trump has stated that he had targeted the Syrian airfield from which an earlier chemical attacked had been launched. He also called on other countries to end the bloodshed in Syria. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson […]

Private Blog – Gold Update for the Close of 1st Quarter

Private Blog – Gold Update for the First Quarter Closing

The Euro Crisis – Dow & Gold

The rumors are flying in France and the conservative candidate Fillon denounces a probe now into corruption. Fillon now vows to fight on to the end – not good for he has placed himself above the country making this personal. His top aide just resigned and Fillon was summoned to appear before investigators on March 15 to […]

Gold for the Close of February

QUESTION: Marty, you said towards the end of the bear market in gold, it will start to align with the stock market. Are we approaching that period since this has been gold and stocks both rising opposite of what the goldbugs have been forecasting? LWR ANSWER:  Yes. We are running out of time for the […]

Is it Safe to Store Gold in a Safe Deposit Box?

QUESTION:  Martin, Love your blog, especially your historical perspective. You recently responded to a viewer that we should take precious metals out of safety deposit boxes. Is there a reason for this? To my understanding the bail-in rules for banks in N.america put deposits and bonds at risk only? Thanks. ANSWER:  The contents of a […]

Trump & Gold Standard

  Trump has surrounded himself with a few people who believe that a new Bretton Woods conference will be necessary and they wrongly believe that a return to a gold standard will be beneficial. What they fail to comprehend is that we have had many gold standards in the past and they all failed. Why? […]