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Australia to Quarantine Even Fully Vaccinated Flying to Australia

The joke use to be “going postal” because so many postal workers were killing co-workers decades ago. Now they are calling it “going-Australian,” meaning they are leading the charge on the most anti-human rights regime in the world. They have matched the Nazis blocking travel even between states. Now they are even saying that FULLY […]

Munich Protest & Others being Ignored by Governments

  There was a massive protest in Munich on the 8th against this COVID Tyranny. Of course, governments do not care for the real agenda is to completely wipe out democracy and usher in Schwab’s Great Reset. They have been using this virus as merely a tool to achieve their political restructuring. While people argue […]

Schumer’s Dilemma

Chuck Schumer is up for re-election in 2022. When the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court took place, New York Progressives who are out to change America into the next Marxist-Wonderland, warned Schumer to “step up to the plate” and publicly support stuffing the Supreme Court with progressives who would rule against […]

Biontech Staff Vaccine Hesitancy   While the world is trying to imprison people who are not vaccinated, here Biontech owners and staff are hesitant to take the vaccine. Ugur Sahin, said in this 2020 interview when he was asked if he had taken the vaccine (before it was available) that he would have to follow the vaccine regulation […]

Powell to Remain at Fed as a Democratic Revolt is Festering

Biden nominates Powell for the second term as Fed chief, as Democratic Opposition to his leadership is rising fiercely. Biden’s handlers appeased the Progressives by naming Brainard vice-chair. The hearings of  Omarova have rattled even conservative Democrats who are starting to wonder who is really calling the shots. Then the word in DC is that […]

Worldwide COVID Protests Some Turning Violent As Police Support Tyranny

In the Netherlands, COVID-19 cases have surged despite more than 70% of the country being fully vaccinated. Protest have turned violent in the Netherlands and massive protests are taking place around the world including Australia over to Croatia, Italy, and Austria. In France, Macron has declared protesters terrorists and sent his military terrorist units against […]

Bill Gates Handed Media $319 Million to Support his Agenda?

People are starting to look at perhaps the most devious billionaire in history, far surpassing Rockefeller. Bill Gates has shelled out over $300 million to buy the media. Anyone who has been noticing can see that the media has been pushing climate change. Anyone reporting about the Great Reset becoming fake news need only follow […]

Biden’s Failed Talks with China

In all honesty, Biden is clearly out of it, and his handlers are only interested in bringing the Great Reset to dominate the world. I believe COVID-19 was deliberately leaked into China because there were far too many sources all saying a “virus is coming” by December 2019.  I believe it was deliberately released in […]

Border Crisis in Poland is the Tip of the Iceberg

  There are deep concerns that an invasion from the Middle East has been deliberately encouraged by Soros and his attempt to force political change in Poland. For months now, in the aftermath of Biden’s Afghanistan disaster, Poland has been targeted by a wave of Muslims trying to infiltrate Poland. Estimates are that perhaps tens […]

Biden’s – Bonfire of the Rule of Law

In the latest desperate attempt to prevent Trump from running in 2024, Congress has created a new witch-hunt – the January 6th insurrection that justifies Pelosi’s Wall. Congress is deliberately subpoenaing Trump’s former aids knowing that there is a 200-year history of Executive Privilege whereby the top aids to the president must be able to […]