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WHO Do You Think You Are? Nations Reject Pandemic Treaty

  All the world leaders supporting the Great Reset were eager to relinquish complete power to the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO wanted to seize the ability to force health mandates on the global population. The Pandemic Treaty would have allowed the WHO to bypass national laws and implement their will on the people. […]

European Debt Crisis Unfolding on Target

The European Central Bank (ECB) has a major crisis beginning. The free markets always win, and the spreads on the interest rates among the member of the EU are widening for Greece and Italy. Fools are telling Lagarde to use stronger language to signal that divergences among the member states will not be allowed to […]

An Unprovoked Biden Threatens War with China

For the third time, President Joe Biden has attempted to drag the United States into a war. Biden first made remarks about the Middle East and then claimed Putin needed to be removed from power. The White House brushed off those remarks, but this time he has angered America’s top trading partner. Biden, speaking for […]

WHO’s Grand Play for World Power

QUESTION: Well Mr. Armstrong, it looks like you will be right on again. This new WHO treaty on pandemic response is their wet dream. I believe you said they will eventually be locking down for global warming. Will the next “pandemic” be a global warning thus locking down the entire world? BV ANSWER: I do […]

Putin’s May 9th Speech – The Full Review

  The West keeps getting Putin wrong mainly because they have taken the Blue Pill and just repeat the propaganda put out by primarily the United States government. They told all journalists that Putin would formally declare war on Ukraine, institute a draft, and call up all reservists. The Western Press continually denies the existence […]

Boris Johnson’s Stupidity – Who is the Only Statesman Standing?

  Russia TV called out Borris Johnson for threatening to launch nuclear weapons against Russia. As they aptly warned that Borris has simply lost his mind that the UK is a very small island and one long-range nuclear weapon will wipe out the UK from the face of the planet. They also point out that […]

We have Enemies Within Our Own Governments Seeking War & Agenda 2030

There is a discussion now to ban Russia from the G20 meeting. Whatever can be done to create World War III is in full motion. Meanwhile, Biden wants to not just seize the private property of Russian individuals like yachts, homes, and anything else he can just seize, he wants to sell off the assets […]

Musk’s Battle to Save America From Absolute Tyranny

Elon Musk’s battle to take over Twitter and restore free speech is a battle to save the very foundation of what a real free society was supposed to be. Every person on the board of Twitter is doing their part in trying to destroy the United States and hand our dignity and sovereignty to the […]

Ukraine v Russian Empire

QUESTION: We elected Zelensky who promised to end the civil war. It looks like the West is telling him not to compromise and let the Russian section go. DH (from Ukraine) ANSWER: On Sunday, CBS News program “60 Minutes” aired an interview with Zelensky. I believe Zelensky is still claiming evidence of Russian war crimes, […]

Market Talk – April 12, 2022

ASIA: Crisis-stricken Sri Lanka defaulted on its $51 billion external debt on Tuesday, calling the move a “last resort” after running out of foreign exchange to import desperately needed goods. Sri Lanka’s finance ministry said in a statement that creditors, including foreign governments, were free to capitalize any interest payments due to them from Tuesday […]