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The Distrust of Government

  In Florida, the vote was very close. Ron DeSantis got nearly 40,000 more votes than socialist Andrew Gillum in the Florida governor’s race. Then Rick Scott over 15,000 more votes than Bill Nelson in the Senate race. Florida’s secretary of state ordered a recount Saturday afternoon for the elections for governor and U.S. Senate. Both races remain within the 0.5-percent […]

France – Macron’s Popularity in a Free-Fall

In France, things are not much better. Emmanuel Macron, the current president of the French Republic, has collapsed in popularity from 57% to just starting to break the 30% level. Macron has collapsed in popularity faster than Nicolas Sarkozy did, who was a one-term president. Macron said he wanted to turn France into the “Start-up nation” […]

The Aspect of the Midterm Elections Being Ignored

While we are still waiting for the final election results to determine if we elected a Bearish Reversal in the Senate for the Democrats, the dust is beginning to settle and people in the political realm are beginning to review the results closer. While many of the press try to claim Trump’s calling the election a […]

The Razor Thin Midterm Elections

The races are so razer-thin showing that the nation is deeply divided that we are still waiting on some seats to be declared – namely three in the Senate. This is extremely critical on our model because right now it is 51 to 46 and we have a Bearish Reversal at 47 in the Senate for the […]

Midterm Election Recap

It looks like we will not have the final number on the MidTerm Elections at least until tomorrow. There are more than a dozen races across multiple states that are too close to call which include contests in Arizona, Florida, and Montana for the U.S. Senate and in Georgia for governor. There is a Senate special […]

The Midterm Elections

“The Democrats cannot reverse their declining trend since they peaked with FDR, and the Republicans cannot deliver the final death blow to the Democrats to put them out of their Marxist misery.” The computer was correct. There was no Blue Wave. The real interesting aspect is it appears we may have a Bearish Reversal elected in […]

Gold & Bitcoin

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I really encountered an insane goldbug who claimed you were paid off by the gold cartel to keep the price down. These people cannot open their eyes and see anything but gold or bitcoin. Then they argue the age of knowledge and bitcoin will become the new reserve currency. You really […]

Should the Women who Made Knowingly False Statement in the Kavanaugh Hearing Be Criminally Prosecuted?

Sen. Chuck Grassley has asked the FBI to investigate another person he says made false claims against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Previously, an investigation into sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh by multiple women found that there were no witnesses that could provide any evidence to substantiate any of their claims. […]

Our Political Nightmare

  As we go into the elections tomorrow, this campaign has revealed the great political divide that once it has been exploited, there is no putting it back. A Democratic win in the House guarantees that this political divide will only get wider and deeper. They cannot actually pass anything without both the White House […]

Goldman Sachs – Criminal Charges at Last?

The U.S. Justice Department’s charges against individuals related to the pillaging of the Malaysia investment fund known as 1MDB offers several new insights into the global, multibillion-dollar scandal. But there is something the press is overlooking. The senior Goldman Sachs banker in Asia who pleaded guilty to U.S. bribery and money laundering charges and his deputy […]