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Vancouver Speech – Observations of a Trader

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your lecture at Vancouver was simply amazing. Inside of 15 minutes you tore the entire world economy apart and exposed the fallacy that we are taught and I am an economics major. Everyone was talking about what you had to say going out the door. You previously said that rising unemployment can […]

Ukraine – Becoming the Real Focal Point

Ambassador Michael McFaul to Russia has Resigned, not merely from his post, but from the Obama Administration. McFaul was never popular in Russia and was often accused of trying to stir a revolution there. But the word around is that he is getting out and does not like the turn of events. Besides the US sending tanks […]

Corruption in Government is Massive Worldwide

The real cost of corruption runs well into the trillions of dollars when we consider the degree of bribery that even suppresses prosecution of the banks that have abused proprietary trading to undermined the entire world economy. A European report on corruption is out and that puts the cost in Europe at €120 billion, yet the […]

Individual Computer Forecasting for Small Business Itself

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Congratulations and for all the wonderful work your doing. Al the best. I have been following your posts since 2010 and i must admit your take on the world especially the politics of it gives the common man a perspective he never would have from both the mainstream press as well as the CT’s. What i am really […]

Ukraine – Doomed After the Olympics

According to a former adviser to Vladimir Putin, the economist  Andrei Illarionov, the Kremlin will take one of three possible scenarios with respect to the Ukraine problem. The most dramatic will be the establishment of full control over the whole Ukraine. Within the first half of February, Illarionov states that Russia will begin the total pressure on Ukraine, […]

Canadian Dollar – The Befuddling Paradox

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I understand you will be speaking in Vancouver tonight. Given the size of the audience, could you at least answer one question about the currency. You said the dollar would decline following gold’s lead. It is true that the currency has declined by more than 10%, but it did not make a […]

Understanding Intelligence

QUESTIONS: Several questions have asked the same thing. First, for understanding terms, look at out Glossary, Trading Terms, and Monetary Terms. Regarding the Global Market Watch: Mr. Armstrong; Your Global Market Watch called for a crash in gold when it made a new high and closed higher. The next day it indeed crashed as if […]

The Collapse of Socialism Driven by Political Corruption

The rise is Civil Unrest is precisely on time and it is being driven by economic decline in the standard of living and the opportunity to even survive thanks to socialism. Government is simply incapable of ever doing anything right or actually doing anything for society other than fill their pockets for self-interest. In Europe, […]


QUESTION: Dear Mr.Armstrong, Long time reader here, have read all of your materials since posted online and continuing on to your blog now. I have also been to your conference held in Bangkok 2 years ago, and I remember I wondered if it was a suitable location given its constant political upheavals, it’s a shame […]

Dow Coming Phase Transition – Bull Market on Steroids?

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, I have been a fan since 1998 and want to understand the concept of phase transition. If the Dow in Euros continues in a bull market while the value of the Euro is falling, then with the capital flows from EU into the perceived safe haven of the Dow, the Dow in Dollars must therefore […]