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ECM March 14th, 2022

This is a report on the world events that correlated with this turning point on the Economic Confidence Model which interestingly appears to have been closely aligned with the fateful Ides of March which marked the assassination of Julius Caesar that curiously also set in motion a civil war and the birth of the Imperial era of Rome which was complete 17.2 years later.

Here we have reviewed the entire world to see what the future holds. You will find the Yearly Arrays so we have an idea of what the computer is projecting for Europe, the Americas, and Asia.

This is a Digital Copy of the Report

ALL 2021 WEC (virtual and in-person) receive this report complimentary!

Please go to the 2021 WEC Documents Portal to download your copy now!


Comments & Free Markets

COMMENT #1: Well, at least I got the decline accelerating in the Ruble correct and thanks to your models knew the war and commodity cycles were turning up. Getting the fundamentals correct ahead of time is a work in progress and definitely not easy. But while watching the Ruble crashing into weakness going into the ECM, […]

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Market Talk – March 18, 2022

ASIA: The global economic fallout of the war in Ukraine is expected to negatively impact India’s economy, while the immediate impact of the conflict on China is likely to be relatively small, the IMF said on Thursday. The IMF said it will lead to higher inflation and current account deficit. The major Asian stock markets had […]

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Digital Currencies & Rations

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong A question that is worrying so many… Will programmable central bank digital currencies be successful once introduced? Kind regards G ANSWER: Reliable sources are saying that they intend to (1) cancel all paper currency, (2) confiscate all cryptocurrency, (3) impose rationing, (4) wage World War III. Will CB digital currency be […]

Market Talk – March 17, 2022

ASIA: Indian banks may face some headwinds from the Russia-Ukraine crisis, which could lead to higher inflation and some stress for borrowers, S&P Global Ratings analyst informed. Indian banks’ direct exposure to Russia and Ukraine is limited, and the direct impact from the conflict is likely to be marginal, S&P analysts said. Gross non-performing assets […]

NATO Calls up Hundreds of Thousands of Troops Ready to Begin WWIII

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The Scheme behind the Great Reset

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Market Talk – March 16, 2022

ASIA: Singapore’s economy might be less directly impacted by the war in Ukraine or the sanctions on Russia, but a potential hit to global growth and rising inflation can eventually put a dent on its economic outlook. Russia represents a rather small share of global gross domestic product (GDP) at about 1.6 per cent, and it […]