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Thailand of the Verge of State of Emergency

  The violence in Bangkok is mounting. This is an effort by some to overthrow the government as a weekend just past with violence in the capital city of Bangkok. The protesters have been trying for more than two months to bring down the government in a Marxist uprising of the poor against the rich, […]

Riots Getting Worse in Ukraine Right Now

  Protests are going on right now in Kiev. The government is using water canons and flash grenades against the youth. The government in power is determined to link with Russia while the youth see their liberty and future vanishing before their eyes. We have people actually on the ground there so this info may […]

Comprehending the Trend in Motion

COMMENT: Like many, panicked out of market in October ’08, (lost on stocks value and currency) and did not get back in properly. Sovereign debt crises globally results in loss of confidence in own currency, but equal loss of confidence in other currencies. Although many talk about deflation, what we see is the constant rise in […]

Asset Allocation & New Expanded Models

QUESTION: Marty; Have you got your Asset Allocation models up and running? We would like to come to the Conference if you will be doing what you use to do for us years ago. It is a long trip from the Middle East as you know. Best regards; AE ANSWER: Yes. The Asset Allocation Model […]

China’s Sovereign Wealth Fund $575 billion and growing

Europe and the United States cannot compete for the future because their governments are like black holes sucking in the wealth of their own people and squandering it on unproductive forces. When we look at the former communistic empires of China and Russia, we see countries building from clean slates rather than imploding trying to […]

Riots in Spain Turning Massively Violent

  In Spain, protests are turning into street battles between the people and police. In Madrid, violence erupted on Thursday in an all out street battle between protesters and police. The new laws against protesting only aggravate the situation yet thousands have been thrown in jails. The Cycle of War is alive and well and the […]

Trading Seminar March 23rd – Answering your Questions

This Special Trading Seminar is geared to enable you to Survive Your Own Trading Decisions and this is not merely a marketing phrase to sell a seminar. This is not a day trading seminar. This is about really how to trade, understand the global economy, and how to see the world so you can invest […]

Training Seminar v World Economic Conference March 2014

QUESTION: Martin, Firstly, thanks for all the information you are kindly sharing on your website – it is very helpful and informative. I have a question regarding the upcoming technical analysis training conference in March this year. I attended the 2011 Analytical Technical Training Seminar in Philadelphia on Dec 3, 2011 and wanted to ask […]

Collectibles Are Still in Bull Market

The first gold coin produced in the American Colonies is known as the 1787 Brasher Doubloon that was just sold at the Heritage auction for $4,582,500. Ancient coins are generally up substantially over the last 10 years with pieces that sold for $20,000 in 1994 bringing today $150,000 to $200,000. Money continues to move out of […]

Panic 1971

The Financial Crisis of 1971 was the culmination of a series of events that began during the early 1960s. Politicians set the gold ratio to the dollar at $35 an ounce that was decided in 1934 by Franklin D. Roosevelt. However, politicians have a vest self-interest in always pretending they do a good job. Unfortunately, […]