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China Adopted our Capital Flow Models

COMMENT: The conference must have been exhausting; I know there is so much work and preparation that these events require. A lot to catch up on, but firstly, I saw this headline yesterday and thought I would forward it to you! If you ever needed assurance that China was following the model (which I know […]

US Corporates All Cashed Up

The numbers are in. U.S. companies (excluding banks) are all cashed up holding more cash on their balance sheets than ever in history – some $1.64 trillion at the end of 2013. That is up 12% over 2012. If history repeats, they will start to buy their own shares back when the market turns down. So much […]

US Share Market & high-frequency trading

The US Share Market is like that Pink Energizer Bunny – it just keeps going. The talking heads keep talking to themselves and remain clueless since this is not economically driven from the standpoint of a booming economy. Rather. the economy remains the strongest in the world and we are simply the prettiest of the […]

NYSE Closed 1914 – Was it Fear of Liquidation or Capital Flows?

QUESTION: I read that during World War I they closed the stock exchange for several months. Do you think this will take place again? I see few people quote you because you have the facts and they are like Al Gore, just full of hot air. You seem to be the only reliable source so […]

Gold Closing today Above 1376 Bullish

I have said countless times that gold is NEVER a hedge against inflation or hyperinflation. I can show how even silver declined during the Roaring ’20s while inflation soared. This whole concept of gold and inflation is just absurd for even the Dow has outperformed gold since 1980 by nearly 17 times. As for hyperinflation, […]

Russian Capital Flows

We have been investigating the Russian capital flows in more detail. We see two trends emerging that is reflecting the war tensions. Foreign capital that invested in Russia is pouring out, but at the same time, the Russian Oligarchs are pulling back money in western banks. They do not yet seem to be investing in […]

Deflation Still in Europe

  The Euro is still pressing higher against the dollar on deflation. The geopolitical risks have not yet kicked in and may not until after June. The European Central Bank’s (ECB) decision to leave monetary policy unchanged demonstrates it is not worried about inflation nor do they realize the broader impact of a strong euro on […]

China’s Exports Collapse by 18.1%

I have warned that China’s exports were an illusion and that there was a huge carry trade borrowing dollars in Hong Kong at 1% and depositing the money in China getting 6%. But trade tracks money, not goods, so the illusion that China was still expanding was a good one – but still just an […]

Russia Invades Ukraine

Now in the Eastern parts of Ukraine even 600km northeast of Crimea than has had all its communications cut off, Ukrainian flags are torn down and Russian flags are now starting to appear. One various social networks, there have been open cries for more Russians to appear in the East of Ukraine to provide justification […]

Ukraine – Crimea Occuppied – Yanukovych Still Mentally in his Disneyland

Crimea has been severed and all roads into the region are now blocked. Pro-Russians seized the government and troops are pretending to be Ukrainian. Yanukovych made a press conference thanking Russia for his protection claiming he is still the President and any laws passed by the Ukrainian Parliament are not valid because he did not […]