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Why the CNN Fake News & Others are a Major Threat to Democracy

We think of false information as a domestic problem that Trump is in the battle with CNN and the term “fake news” is just political talk. It’s far more dangerous than that. The history books confirm that the Spanish American War was created by the press falsely reporting an attack that never took place. The […]

Market Talk – September 4, 2019

ASIA: China today has officially filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO) as the US raised tariffs from 10 to 15 percent over the weekend on 300 billion USD worth of Chinese goods. China has asked for the WTO to act as a mediator to convince the US to reduce or end the […]

Market Talk – September 3, 2019

ASIA: Over the weekend the U.S. imposed a 15% tariff on a range of Chinese goods. Today, China returned the favor by imposing new charges on US. products. US President Trump tweeted today regarding the progress of the US-Chinese trade talks: “We are doing very well in our negotiations with China. While I am sure […]

Dark Forces & the Dying Embers of Freedom of Speech

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I’ve been a big fan of your blogs for all these years. May I ask if you have any recommendation of books or your previous blogs that can help us re-understand better the most important topic that impacts us and that is the understanding of the Cycles in our lives? Thanks and regards, […]

Fiat Money & Fairy Tales

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I am trying to find any valid information, without success, to whether there is any truth to a coming Global Currency Reset, a gold treaty purportedly signed by 200+ nations in 2013 written by a Michael C. Cottrell who upon notification by the Chinese elders, aka Golden Dragon, would then release “the […]

Market Talk – August 30, 2019

ASIA: China today told Philippines President Duterte that the disputed area of the South China Sea was not up for negotiations as President Xi and Duterte met in Beijing. However, China was willing to work together to effectively manage the issue. With Duterte in his final term as presidency, critics back in his native country […]

Market Talk – August 29, 2019

ASIA: Chinese military vehicles today have been seen moving into Hong Kong according to reports. However, according to the state run news agency Xinhua, this was just an annual exercise to make a schedule rotation. Of course, due to the tensions this could be seen as Chinese steps to military control of the region. Chinese […]

Market Talk – August 28, 2019

ASIA: Tensions are rising between the US and China as one US Navy warship was denied to dock in the port city of Qingdao. This is the second event in the space of a month where China denied the US; the previous being when two naval ships denied permission to dock in Hong Kong. Little […]

Market Talk – August 27, 2019

ASIA: Contrary to US comments that two calls were made over the weekend, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said that he did not hear of any call being made. He also expressed that the increase in tariffs are putting huge pressure on both sides and are not constructive at all. “We hope that the […]

Life & How it Evolves

QUESTION: Martin; What was the tipping point in your investing infancy that flung you to believe you could invest for others? If so can you tell us the trade? And did you mortgage your house for it? For it appears that the best in the business made it on their own first. Apprehensive at this […]