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What is the Difference between Institutional & Speculation?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I was talking to a friend who works in one of the banks you probably classify as the club. He knew you right off the bat. He said you have been probably the largest institutional advisor in the world. He said clients question the bank’s research and openly contrast it with yours. […]

Reality of Being a Chief Economic Advisor

QUESTION: I thank God that your are here in my lifetime. The information you freely impart is priceless and I can’t wait to read your daily Posts. I believe that it would be incredibly wise if President Trump were to invite you to replace Gary Cohen as his Chief Economic Advisor. My question is regarding the […]

The Monetary Reform of 1857 Ends Legal Tender Foreign Coins

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I found in my grandmother’s belongings a penny from 1855 and one from 1857 which was much smaller and silver in appearance. Was there also a monetary reform that changed the coinage during the 1850s? PK ANSWER: Oh yes. But it is far more interesting than meets the eye. Foreign coins were […]

State-Run Funds v Private – Why Politicians Cannot be Trusted with Investments/Pensions

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong: Many times you were warning about CalPERS. What is your scope on 401k via employers, RothIRA, Simple IRA, and SEP that investing in at Vanguard or Fidelity? Should we continue to contribute? Will these types of retirement plans be in peril as CalPERS ? Can our government get involved in these plans? […]

The Creature from Jekyll Island – Unprofessional Propaganda Book

QUESTION: Martin. Have you read the book Creature of Jekyll Island by Edward Griffin it is about the Feds and how they control? Many years ago I thought it was fiction but after reading it again it is true. My Question what can we do money will be what they want it to be the […]

Interbank Market Collapsing

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Has interbank lending collapse due to a lack of confidence concerning counter-party risk? Thank you for being a rare source with experience ER ANSWER: Yes that is a correct statement. The failure of Lehman and Bear Sterns was the result of interbank lending when they could not make good on the collateral they […]

The Analysts Are Turning Back to Bearish Again

CNN Money is reporting the headline “A top JPMorgan Chase executive is warning that stocks could fall as much as 40% in the next few years.” CNN reports that Daniel Pinto, JPMorgan’s co-president, said on Bloomberg Television he believed that market gains should continue for the next year or two. However, he added that investors […]

Lativa Banking Crisis Unfolding on Schedule – Will it Lead to a European Contagion?

  The Latvian Financial Supervisory Authority is concerned announcing a resolution plan for the crisis bank ABLV that is threatening a contagion risk of further closures of financial institutions in the country with a predominantly foreign customer base. There is a serious risk of a contagion unfolding that will also force consolidation and mergers in […]

How the Euro Will Be Killed by Politicians

The man who is killing the Euro as a viable currency is none other than Donald Franciszek Tusk who is a Polish politician who has been the President of the European Council since 2014. He is the living example why politicians MUST be prohibited from making any decisions whatsoever regarding economics and finance. These people have […]

Gary Cohn Resigns from Trump Administration – Good Riddance!

The drop in the market yesterday was widely attributed to Gary Cohn resigning from the Trump Administration over his tariff policy. That must be a real shock because Gary Cohn has resigned as White House chief economic advisor. The press attributes Cohn’s planned departure comes on the heels of a decision by President Donald Trump […]