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Does Society Turn More Violent During its End Times?

QUESTION: Is MMA the new Roman Colosseum? I’m a layman in history but didn’t blood sports rise in popularity during Rome’s decline? Now everyone and their mother is talking about MMA, and random celebrities e.g. Logan Paul or now Trump Jr. are jumping in the octagon or being challenged. JR ANSWER: Yes. For some reason, society […]

Is it the Elections or Interest Rates?

QUESTION: Dear Marty, Thanks for the continuous enlightening blogs about increasing interest rates and its effects on EM’s and others. Today on Bloomberg , they were discussing that the earlier 60:40 Equity bond correlation is breaking down and now it’s 100:0 i.e. both go up and down together. If I understand your view correctly , the […]

Egyptian Economist Arrested for Criticizing Government

  The Egyptian Economist, Abdel Khalik Farouk, is the author of more than 20 books on corruption in the Egyptian economy. His latest book, Is Egypt really poor?  was confiscated by Egyptian authorities last week on the day of publication. The owner of the printing house, Ibrahim El Khatib, was also arrested. Farouk has set out that the corruption […]

Is Goldman Sachs Banning Staff From Donating to Republicans Again?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; the Democrats are raising far more money from the various big Super-Pacs to take back the Congress. The talk is the New York bankers are telling staff not to donate to Republicans. Do you know if this is true? SH ANSWER: The 2016 Presidential Election was a monumental game changer. Trump did not […]

Protesters Who Do Not Know What They Are Protesting Against

  I myself encountered a woman who had protested against Trump in the big march in Washington after he was elected. I was curious to listen to her reasoning as to why she had traveled to Washington to protest against Trump. She said she did so because no man was going to tell her what to […]

Why Democrats Love to Spy On Americans

Michael Hastings was the journalist exposing the surveillance state. Hastings wrote about the investigation of reporters by the U.S. Department of Justice back in 2013. He said that the restrictions on the freedom of the press by the Obama administration were a “war” on journalism.  He wrote his last story before he died in what may […]

Will Elections ever be Valid Any More?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have stated that you believe Kennedy was assassinated by the US Intelligence community. Given all this stuff with Comey, FBI, CIA, and NSA all conspiring against Trump, do you think that the real risk of interfering with our elections is not the Russians but closer to home? Is this a practice that […]

Currency War – The Misguided Understanding of the FOREX Markets

  While the IMF chief Christine Lagarde has come out expressing her fear that not only a trade but also a currency war may emerge that could dampen the growth of the global economy, there are some serious issues that need to be addressed.  The problem with misunderstanding currency and its role in the floating […]

Was McCain Institute the Same Deal as Clinton Foundation?

COMMENT: The view of John McCain from outside the United States is completely opposite of how the American press portrays him. I even heard like Hillary, he too had a foundation that people had to donate to for him to sponsor certain bills. HJ REPLY: Oh yes, there is no question that the press outside […]

Market Talk- October 11, 2018

As you would have anticipated, the decline in Asia was as brutal as expected. Not everyday you see an 800+ fall in the DOW and so Asia followed through with its interpretation. All core opened lower and it went worse from there. Shanghai was the standout closing 5.22% down on the day. Talk that the […]