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The Looming Debt Crisis Nobody Seems to Look At

Around the globe, we are approaching a monumental awakening as municipal governments see their borrowing costs rise dramatically with rising interest rates. This is unfolding in Europe, the USA, Canada, South America, Middle East, and Asia. In fact, S&P is predicting the first-ever default by a Chinese local government financing vehicle this year as LGFV borrowing costs […]


Martin Armstrong’s Media Appearances If you are interested in arranging an interview with Martin Armstrong, please fill out our “Contact” form located on the homepage and select “I have a question about media engagement and/or an interview request.” 2023 World War Zee: Maria Zeee – Martin Armstrong – Interview with Maria Zeee (10/27/23) World War […]

Quantum Encryption even NSA Cannot Break!

Quantum Encryption is a dream that is rapidly coming true (University of Science and Technology China). At this level, it can make data secure and virtually impossible to hack. This will put the NSA back to the stone age where they belong. Crimes will have to be solved the old fashion way instead of hacking someone’s cell phone to figure out where their […]

Market Talk- January 29th, 2018

Most core Asian markets turned negative but only towards the end of the trading session. The Nikkei appeared happy playing in positive territory but tended to drift as we approached the close of the day. There was talk of different reports hindering sentiment but it was the unknown and the speed of the decline that […]

Market Talk- January 23, 2018

Asian markets responded better than US cash did upon the news of settlement between the US House of Representatives and the Senate. The BOJ keeps rates unchanged certainly eased some concerns, but even that news did not spur too much reaction with the Yen/USD exchange rate. The Nikkei closed over the 24k level and is […]

Central Bank Reserves – The Rise of the Yuan

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I understand that your model shows that China will become the dominant economy post-2032. The IMF added the yuan to their SDR basket. Are central banks starting to use the yuan in reserves in a major way yet? KD ANSWER: Yes. The ECB (European Central Bank) converted a half-billion euros to yuan. […]

Market Talk- January 19th, 2018

A positive day for core Asia but not that convincing. You could highlight the Australian ASX as one key core that set a weaker tone settling -0.15% lower, but we also saw the Hang Seng and the Nikkei in and out of negative territory. In Japan the Nikkei was better bid in the morning session […]

Market Talk- January 18, 2018

The Nikkei reached another 26yr high in early trading, but unfortunately closed down on the day. Ending the day down -0.4% even with the Yen trading lower also (111.20 last seen). Financials and real-estate led the market lower in the afternoon session. Worth a quick mention is that TOPIX lost -0.7% on the day having […]

The Cycle of Disease – It’s Just our Time

COMMENT: Sir, It’s interesting, since your post on Madagascar and the pneumonic plague, I have Surveilled a site dealing with medical news once a week. What’s really interesting is the resurgence of older well-known entities such as cholera Zambia has been hard hit with over 2000 cases of cholera with close to 50 deaths. The university […]

Did the Migration into Europe Bring New Diseases?

The most devastating plagues in history have been created by migration. There were warnings in the form of rumors that told of a great plague in China and India which killed most of the populations there. The plague made its way to Europe when the Kipchak forces were besieging the Genoese trading post in the Crimea. […]