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Yearly Bearish in Euro 121.56 – Woe is Europe

The fear of a resurgence of the Euro Crisis has weighed on the common currency driving it down sharply trading at 1.2156 at 6:05 EST. The euro fell to $ 1.2122 intraday, marking the lowest level in two and a half years. However, our Yearly Bearish Reversal is 1.2156 precisely where we are trading at […]

Japan Considering Exit Tax to Leave the Country

The trend on a global basis is getting really scary. Our forecasts have been computer generated and are by no means my PERSON opinion of what I would like to see. This is getting to be really horrible as government simply go after more and more money without any consideration what happens when you have […]

Deep Learning Analytics v Random Walk

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, my son came home from university for the the holidays. To my shock, we had our first intelligent conversation about the economy. He mentioned two things that opened my eyes very wide. First, he mentioned you and then said he believed what he read about random walk theory in school you have […]

Grand Jury Does not Indict Cop Who Murdered Eric Garner — But the Man Who Filmed It

If anyone thinks that there is really justice, you should re-read Thraysmachus who debated Socrates. Socrates wishfully believed that in a democracy the people would always be just compared to a tyrant. Thraysmachus disagreed. He warned that all forms of government act in the same identical manner because they only pursue their own self-interest. Hence, […]

I Welcome Our New CEO – Ashley Warren

I am pleased to introduce Ashley Warren who has taken up the position of CEO of Princeton Economics International, Ltd. Ashley has the TRADING experience globally and has been on the institutional side of our client base attending our conferences from Tokyo to Berlin and everywhere in between. Ashley will also contribute to the Institutional […]

Obama Wants to Now Fully Regulate the Internet as a Public Utility

There is perhaps no President who has done more to destroy everything he has ever thought about than Barrack Obama from world peace to our constitutional rights. OMG, we cannot get rid of this idiot soon enough. Two more years may be way too long to wait. He will have us in WWIII and the […]

UBS & Manipulation

Of course, the hate mail comes in about UBS from the diehard goldbugs still clinging to hope yet arguing at the same time that the metals cannot go up because they alone are systemically suppressed. It is really amazing how these people refuse to accept reality, yet cling to a market they claim cannot rise. […]

Alayne Fleischmann – the Snowden of NY Banking

  Alayne Fleischmann Matt Taibbi has returned to the Rolling Stone and his first piece out the door is on the real story behind the fake $13 billion settlement with JP Morgan Chase deal to cover up alleged criminal activity sanctioned by Eric Holder and the Department of Justice. Taibbi had to leave First Look media […]

ECB Wiping out German Savers With Every Step It Takes

The interest rate policy of the European Central Bank has massive redistributive effects within Euroland. With every step it takes, the ECB continues to exploit Germany for the benefit of holding to the Euro by bailing out the rest of Europe. The German savers are been wiped out and sent into extinction as they see […]

Obama & Holder Destroy the Constitution

I have studied Constitutional Law intensely and I can say with conviction that history will indeed remember Eric Holder and his mentor Obama for much more than merely the top 9 controversial issues everyone writes about. Mr. Holder’s more than five years as the nation’s chief legal officer has been absolutely devastating to the future […]