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Draghi Lied; Claims the ECB Is Withdrawing the €500 Note for Crime and Not Taxes

Mario Draghi has claimed that the European Central Bank would withdraw its €500 highest-denomination banknote only to combat crime— not to curb the use of paper money — but you really cannot expect him to tell the truth. If he really told the truth, he would set off a panic withdraw from banks. The USA use to print […]

The Markets’ Expectations

This image ran by USA Today shows how quickly the general public assumes long-term changes in trend are at hand. The general headlines said the public lost confidence in the central banks. The public is losing confidence in everything and we should be off and running with the public to private asset shift when it moves […]

The Market in Perspective

Last week we had a Panic Cycle in gold and a Directional Change. Both performed on target.  As we have stated previously, the Directional Change can be, by itself, a fascinating tool. The Directional Change can, at times, be the beginning of a breakout to a new trading level (major thrust) in one direction where the market […]

Gold: Low of Lows or Just A Low?

QUESTION: Marty; I had purchased your gold report and the low for gold came in exactly as you laid out on that benchmark date you gave more than two years in advance. But you are not saying you called the low of lows. I assume you remain skeptical about a reversal in trend long-term. Correct? […]

Gold: Here We Go Again?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong. Are you calling this rally in gold a false move? What does it take to get you bullish? Will you ever be bullish? ANSWER: When all markets line up and display that there is a trend in motion, which is then definitive, I will clearly state so. Gold has performed in a typical […]

EU Fears the British Referendum Will Be a Contagion

European Council President Donald Tusk has warned that the EU is in danger of a total collapse. He has come out to say that David Cameron’s referendum in Britain will be copied by other member tactics for their own “egotistic goals.” He has said this will unleash the unthinkable: democratic rights for Europeans to disagree […]

Opening Numbers for February 12, 2016

Our Opening Pivot Point for gold tomorrow is still above the market coming in as 1272.40 while the Dow lies at 15497.74. In the euro, it rests at 1.1381. Keep in mind this current trend can continue into Monday. So watch the 1309 level for gold; 15370 was last year’s low in the Dow with key […]

The Postponement – Slingshot Move

QUESTION: Marty, at the Conference you said we could conclude this in the first quarter if we get the alignment. It does not look like we will get the alignment since gold is up and the Dow is down. This is why you have been saying this looked like it was postponing into 2017? ANSWER: […]

Interest Rates

QUESTION: Marty; as you know I have worked on the bond desk and am now looking to get out and retire. You are so right. The 10 year is the old 30 year and nobody buys the 10 year with any expectation of holding it for 10 years. The debt has been sold only because of […]

The Game is Over – Market Perspective

The fuse has been lit. The world economy is in serious trouble and we have the worst possible people at the helm. You have Obama who wants to double the funding for the SEC and CFTC to go after the banks because he smells blood. He also wants to add a $10 tax to oil […]