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Erdogan – The Rising Threat to World Stability?

President Erdogan of Turkey is clearly on a mission to raise Turkey to the old level of power such as the Ottoman Empire. As a member of NATO, he is doing really everything to undermine that position playing one side against the other. He has sold off more than 50% of central bank reserves held […]

Market Talk – September 2, 2016

The Nikkei and Hang Seng closed virtually unchanged in anticipation of the US lunchtime numbers. The Hang Seng was the best performing Asian index closing up 0.45%. It was always going to be about the US Payrolls even as Europe opened marginally better bid. Overnight we had seen the USD take a bit of a […]

Children and Propagana

QUESTION: I read your latest article how the American Press is engaging in propaganda. I also recalled your July 29 article on Congress authorizing the use of propaganda against the American people. Are there any signs that we can identify propaganda when that is the agenda? Is there some clue? You are the only person […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis – Banking Crisis – Derivative Clearinghouse Risk

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, What comes first? The banking Crisis or the Sovereign Debt Crisis? Thank you for bringing our attention to these events OD ANSWER: The central banks are trapped. They can no longer even hope to sell the bonds they have bought in a vain attempt to stimulate the economy. So government can, in theory, keep their rates […]

Heads They Win, Tails You Lose

QUESTION: Sir, You mentioned in your blog post that money market funds now have to be in government bonds as per SEC ruling. You have said we are going through a sovereign debt crisis which means government bonds are at risk. If I’m trading and my money is now parked as “cash” before I make another […]

Goldman Sachs is at it Again

More than 75,000 people have signed their names to a petition protesting against the appointment of former European Union leader José Manuel Barroso to the investment bank Goldman Sachs. The outrage demonstrates what I have warned about — the peak in public confidence in government and banks is now in place. Goldman Sachs has gone […]

US Debt: Who is Really Selling & Who is Buying?

QUESTION: Marty; Since you wrote that central banks have been net sellers of US Treasuries for the first six months to support their currencies, others are jumping on board and are claiming nobody wants them so buy gold. Would you care to elaborate on this subject? It seems another desperate attempt by the hyperinflationists. Thank […]

Market Talk – August 26th, 2016

Ahead of Jackson Hole a mixed response in Asia with a choppy day for the Nikkei. Initially, the Nikkei saw a sell-off then an attempted rally just after lunch but that was to fizzle-out eventually closing down 1.1%. The JPY remained in a tight range and continues to play with the par level. There remains a […]

China & Its Debt Problems

With a total debt of almost 250% of GDP, China’s debt problems are well known. Meanwhile, the government is working on resolving the issue by following the playbook of US investment banks and creating securities structures to offload bad debt (remember CDOs?). The slowing economy has caused rising defaults. Analysts suspect the NPLs ratio to […]

Market Talk – August 25, 2016

Neither the Nikkei nor Hang Seng could decide on a direction today as both flip-flopped between positive and negative territory. Only Shanghai was to remain lower for the whole day closing well above the days lows but still 0.5% weaker. Yesterday we heard that the PBOC added (through 14 day reverse repo’s) cash into the […]