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Is Climate Change a Tool to Eliminate Democracy?

COMMENT: Your view on denying climate change is supporting the capitalist model. This shows you have no credibility. OD REPLY: Climate is changing and it is part of the normal cycle – not human-induced. You are actually correct that I support capitalism and freedom and am against authoritarianism and totalitarian systems. What you fail to […]

Greenhouses Gases Are a Product of Civilization for Thousands of Years

QUESTION: Do you believe we are going into an ice age? ANSWER: No. At best we return to a mini-ice age and stop there hopefully. There are those who argue that a decline in solar activity, which they cannot deny, will not be enough to offset the human created Global Warming. There are so many […]

Market Talk- January 12, 2018

We saw a strong response in the Hang Seng index today, taking it to yet another short-term record level. Shanghai also closed positively (+0.2%), but not the +1% performance recorded in the HSI. China’s Trade numbers failed to meet the widely expected 13% releasing at 4.5% which is probably why Shanghai lagged. The Nikkei still […]

Market Talk- January 10, 2018

A mixed trend within Asian trading as the Nikkei, ASX and SENSEX whilst gains were registered in the Hang Seng and Shanghai. That said, volumes were light but the negative trend was supported by the positive move in the Japanese Yen. The currency traded back to the low 111’s as speculation that the BOJ removing […]

Market Talk- January 5, 2018

  It has been a pretty impressive start to the New Year as we close firmer on all core markets and across all core regions. Asia followed US sentiment and added another 1% for the Nikkei, 0.75% for Australia and +0.25% for both Shanghai and Hang Seng. The KOPSI added 1.3% after news that North […]

Climate Change – Is this an OMG Event?

  QUESTION: Is it in your view a minor cold blip or “OMG we’re all going to freeze to death and run out of food ?” BR ANSWER: We are looking at an unbelievable decline in the energy output of the sun which appears to be the most rapid decline in nearly 10,000 years. The Global […]

Market Talk- January 3, 2017

The Hang Seng and Shanghai were both off to an impressive start for the New Year. Recording gains of over 2% for the first two trading days, we saw the former touch 10-years intraday highs. China PMI data released yesterday helped sentiment, but we saw an impressive all round performance with real estate related companies […]

Understanding Cycles & Dynamic Interconnectivity

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I really do not think the world respects your work. I read on your blog there was going to be a bad flu from Australia that would hit Britain. Then a few days later, the headline here is all about what you forecast. You really have to go public and let people […]

, Market Talk- December 28, 2017

Although not all markets closed positive, the overall theme certainly was. Shanghai and Hang Seng were both strong with gains made from Tech, Consumers and Energy all adding to the near 1% gains. Volumes were again very disappointing with todays HSI around 70% of the previous 30 days average. Much has ben talked of the […]

BRICS the Rise & Fall

The first thing to go when a country is moving into economic crisis is the arts. This is intermixed with various social programs. As the economic crisis broadens, demand for taxing the rich rise. However, all this accomplishes is to cause capital to hide and hoard even more refusing to invest or spend and this […]