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Caution – The Left Never Plays Nicely with Others

COMMENT: I know a guy who just hates Trump and claims he hates Trump because he is a racist and incompetent and says I am a racist because I did not like Obama. But nobody that I ever knew hated Obama with such personal vindictiveness. These people would rather burn the house down and seem […]

Can Mueller Indict Trump or Can Only Congress Impeach?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You said the constitution forbids arresting a member of Congress on his way to the hill. I have never heard of that. Is this why you warn that trying to indict Trump is constitutionally risky? Thank you for your education HS ANSWER: Yes. To Indict any president is really a risky adventure. This […]

Market Talk- September 6, 2018

Another weak day across the board, starting in Asia and spreading west. There are ongoing concerns about emerging markets and the additional leverage being used almost everywhere. Much of this is being extended through the tech sector and that is what hurt the Hang Seng today. Closing down 1% it has also had a negative […]

Market Talk- August 27, 2018

The PBOC change in technical methodology for pricing Yuan was the reason for the stock rally in Asia this morning and also responding to Powell’s comments. It could be political, but the move does look to be underpinning the Yuan, for the moment, as we head towards the next round of Trade Talks. Slowing the […]

Market Talk- August 17, 2018

Although we saw some small relief bounces in Asia, there are still many questions left unanswered. The Nikkei managed a 0.35% recovery, which was pretty much where it [played all day. The Yen is still acting as a store for safety and in late US trading we see it edging in the low 110’s, possibly […]

Real Estate – Leverage – Transition to the Reset

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for the daily blogs on world events with an independent analysis that makes sense. I find them better than investment bank reports that just make up the pages. Could you please elaborate on what happens to properties when the monetary reset comes? If people lose confidence in fiat money […]

Market Talk- August 16, 2018

The uncertainty seen in US markets shook Asian indices with all markets opening lower. Fortunately, these proved to be the days lows and most markets rallied from there. The Nikkei even managed to move positive and remained around there for the whole afternoon trading. The Yen traded back to 111 handle, but was to regain […]

Market Talk- August 8, 2018

The news mid afternoon that President Trump’s trade restrictions could be increased and a retaliatory Chinese tariff increase all coupled with latest China/US trade numbers turned most core indices. Following yesterdays strong Shanghai performance we saw some retracement of Tuesdays gains with the index closing down 1.25%. Although the Hang Seng index was also hit […]

Market Talk- August 7, 2018

No new headlines and a strong US market resulted in a positive day for Asia. Finally, we saw some bounce back in the Shanghai index after it has been weak for so long. Today’s 2.75% recovery is a start, but considering the YTD decline sits around -16%, there is still a fair way to go! […]

InfoWars Banned for Hate Speech?

The new European regulations are actually having an impact globally. Alex Jones’ InfoWars has been banned by Apple’s decision to remove five podcasts by Jones and his Infowars website. Other companies have rushed to join including Facebook, YouTube, and Spotify. The general reason is Jones’s podcasts are viewed as “hate content” which can subject them to heavy […]