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Is the Allegations Against Kavanaugh like the French False Trial of Child Abuse?

I am certainly not partisan here in this matter. I have previously written that I did not care for Brett Kavanaugh based upon his decisions in law. I have read decisions from the Supreme Court and found that you cannot guarantee their reasoning will support Republican or Democrat. All this hype that they must oppose anyone […]

Market Talk- September 26, 2018

A better and more constructive day all around for Asian equities as most markets reopened (S. Korea still off) for business. With both the Shanghai and Hang Seng opening firmer, a steady trend developed to return 1% for both indices. Remarks overnight from US President Donald Trump failed to assist US trading or external commitment, […]

Russiagate – The Slow Drip of the Coup to Take over Russia

Little by little the truth is starting to surface with respect to the blackmail of Yeltsin and the attempt to take over Russia during the 2000 election. Now the former British National Crime Agency international corruption boss, Jon Benton, says he was ordered to stop an investigation into Russian money laundering. He was the head of […]

Global Warming Forecasts from 1989 “Entire Nations” will be gone by 2000

Believe it or not, back in 1989 the United Nations warned: “entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.” It really is astonishing how such absurd forecasts were made 20 years ago to start this whole […]

Market Talk- September 25, 2018

The Asian start seemed confused when opening lower, but it was not long before buyers stepped-in. In holiday subdued trading (Hong Kong and South Korea are closed) the Shanghai index traded heavy for much of the day. It was really only the Nikkei that found the strength to bounce and that probably on the back […]

Deep State is just getting deeper & Rosenstein is a member of a coup to overthrow an elected official destroying the Constitution ending Democracy

The Deep State is just getting deeper, yet like an onion, the layers are slowing peeling away to expose the core. Members of Congress filed impeachment motions against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and now many are calling Trump to fire him after reports surfaced that he discussed invoking the 25th Amendment and suggested wearing a wire during […]

Is Democracy dying here?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; the hatred is off the charts as you say. I actually saw a young girl with a Trump hat at the gas station and two people were throwing things at her. You are right. This is how the Nazi movement began. They boycotted Jewish businesses. Then they seized control of the newspapers […]

Come Join the Bring a Rock Gathering

  The girl who was riding the bike and gave the finger to Trump is now qualified to run the country. I am sure she understands economics, world trade, immigration, disease, and international war far better than Trump. She intends to file paperwork to get on the Ballot like the bartender from New York – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The […]

Uncertainty is the Mother of Volatility

QUESTION: Well you called this year the political year from hell. You got that one right again. Between trying to figure out the politics in the US, we have Britain in turmoil and Italy trying to figure out if they should stay or go. Hungary becoming more defiant and Sweden swinging to the right. You […]

What Kind of System is Better? Parliaments or Fixed Term Republics?

QUESTION: hi martin just a quick question about government systems. Do you think the USA would be better served by adopting a parliamentary system of governance( like for example the UK) or do think it is better served by a presidential system? Love to know your opinions all the best a ANSWER: Now. The Parliamentary System […]