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The Shift from West to the East

The computer has done a pretty good job on forecasting the markets, but also the rise in the Cycle of War that seems to be exploding absolutely everywhere. All I can do is articulate what it is forecasting for nobody could possibly make such a forecast years in advance based solely upon opinion or even […]

Fraud of Education

Obama blames Republicans for not agreeing to raise the minimum wage so poor students can afford their non-dischargable student loans. If Obama really cared about the students then the answer is simple:   1) let these loans be discharged in bankruptcy 2) let the loans be interest-free and void if you cannot find a job […]

The Sum of our Future – He who Makes the Laws never goes to Jail for Breaking them

Working for the government was always pitched as somehow being better guaranteed than risky corporations. However, he who makes the laws never goes to jail for breaking them – a plain fact of life. The problem with government pensions has been they promised whatever sounded nice, with zero accountability. The presumption that tax revenue was an […]

The Age of Censorship

Mainstream media has become a joke. They will not report anything the government tells them not to. Snowden had to go to the Guardian in London because if he walked into any major news agency in the USA, they would have first called the NSA. They all they report only because the Guardian broke the […]

The 6th Wave – Shift Pubic to Private

The battle between opposite forces exists in everything. This is the classic left v right within every society. This manifests in where does the confidence of the people reside for the majority – within government or the private sector. We are in a 309.6 year Public Wave that ends in 2032.95. This force actually oscillates […]

Capital Has Always Invested on Net Return for Millennia

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I think the light just went on. You said that capital invests on a net return basis. This makes sense. If I can make €100 on €100 per year who would not invest. If they tax those gains 80 per cent as Piketty argues, then I have only  €20. If I invest in […]

Fed’s Exit Tax on Bonds – Confirms Liquidity Crisis

The greatest threat we have to the financial stability of the entire global economy is the collapse in liquidity. Governments cannot understand that their desperate need for money that has unleashed the worldwide hunt (or shakedown) is producing the greatest collapse in liquidity on a global scale perhaps in modern history. Even just recently, the […]

Consumption Tax – Will It Ever Return?

COMMENT: Dear Martin, One of the knocks against a consumption tax has always been its potential effect on the deficit. It seems that argument is now irrelevant in the age of QE. This is the perfect time to move to a consumption tax (esp. w/ IRS scandal) GB REPLY: We did a lot of research into […]

Stock Market – Has the Bull Been Replace with the Pink Bunny?

QUESTION: Marty; I do find it curious how Barron’s quoted your forecast for new highs in 2011, and you seem to be the only person who was correct, yet they constantly turn to people who have never been right to talk bearishness about the market. You once wrote that the Wall Street Journal refused to […]

European Poverty Reached 123 million – 16%

The Sovereign Debt Crisis that began to show its head in Europe is demonstrating that socialism just does not work. The whole idea of a central managed state and highly regulated pro-worker policy has reduced job growth and exploited labor to such an extent with taxes that the euro countries can no longer fulfill their […]