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Market Talk- August 3, 2018

After witnessing the strength the US markets demonstrated, Asia opened on a positive note but couldn’t hold it. Interesting that although the opening appeared strong, for the balance of the day prices were hit across the region affecting both core and peripheral markets. The Shanghai and hang Seng both found it difficult making any headway, […]

Market Talk- August 2, 2018

The optimistic rally seen earlier in the week over possible US / China Trade agreement, was soon to face the cold light of day and todays price action reflects just that. Both Shanghai and Hang Seng demonstrated this today as both fell over 2% and closed on the days lows. The Nikkei has also seen […]

Market Talk- July 26, 2018

A mixed opening seen in Asia this morning which eventually turned into a down day given the lack of volume and positivity. Even though the US sent a confident tone, the after hours trading in Facebook unnerved many tech stocks. Facebook traded nearly 20% lower in futures terms after the Q2 revenue miss. It was […]

The Great Alignment on Schedule

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I’ve been revisiting your notes over and over, and it seems that the potential for a False Move is finally in the making, both in the Dow, Gold, Dollar, etc. You gave 2018 and 2020 as the key turning points for this to unfold, for the trading trap to suck people in, before […]

Market Talk- July 24, 2019

It was business as usual in most Asian markets today, with the Yuan declining followed by a rallying stock market. The Yuan hit it lowest level (6.8255) in over a year today, as market fears the support has been side-lined. The Shanghai index continued its firm run gaining an additional 1.6% today with constant support […]

Market Talk- July 20, 2018

Much of todays talk surrounded currencies and the talk of combined intervention! Whether it was or wasn’t is immaterial, but what we did witness was a turnaround in the US Dollar strength against most geographies and at the same time a steepening in core bond markets. These currency bounces helped many markets to recover some […]

Our Journey Through Life

QUESTION:  Hello Martin. Over the years I have read so much of your adventurers (if you could call them that =) and some of the great masters you quote from time to time. I know you have done a massive amount of research on your own. I was wondering about some of the unknown people in your […]

Market Talk- July 17, 2018

Japan was the only one of the core to distance itself form all others and close positive (+0.45%) on the day. That is probably because the Yen lost ground and seems to have finally broken that correlation play for now. Declining energy prices was the main talking point for Asia, but that started late last […]

Market Talk- July 11, 2018

Just when the markets started to rejoice in the fact that there had been no recent escalation of trade wars and then the silence is broken. Early in the Asian trading day the US released a list of additional tariffs which are assumed to total close to $200bn. This number has wobbled equities and put […]

Are Central Bankers Directing the Flow of Money without any Checks or Balances?

QUESTION: Do you think that the central bankers influence has triggered a massive shift in the world order? Do you think the IMF and the BIS have gone beyond their mandates? Are central bankers directing the flow of money without any checks or balances? Do you also think that there is an open door between […]