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Uncertainty is the Mother of Volatility

QUESTION: Well you called this year the political year from hell. You got that one right again. Between trying to figure out the politics in the US, we have Britain in turmoil and Italy trying to figure out if they should stay or go. Hungary becoming more defiant and Sweden swinging to the right. You […]

What Kind of System is Better? Parliaments or Fixed Term Republics?

QUESTION: hi martin just a quick question about government systems. Do you think the USA would be better served by adopting a parliamentary system of governance( like for example the UK) or do think it is better served by a presidential system? Love to know your opinions all the best a ANSWER: Now. The Parliamentary System […]

Directional Changes & the Worst in 40-Years

QUESTION: Marty; Your directional changes are amazing. They signal a change but it can be a turn as well as a sudden blast to the upside. You also mention that this is the worst you have ever seen personally in 40 years on the private blog. Could you elaborate? Thank you for being here. There are […]

Market Talk- September 18, 2018

  The much anticipated and some would say, over expected, tariffs were announced after the US markets closed yesterday (Monday). The DOW had already dipped over 100 points, whilst the NASAQ closed 1.5% lower. It is often the case in markets that the news is more fearful than the act and that is what we […]

Market Talk- September 17, 2018

Another day another US/China trade headline dictating direction and concerns. One has to wonder if President Trump and the Washington Trade team are tagging it and playing good cop bad cop with the negotiators! President Trump is apparently insisting they impose additional tariffs, yet negotiators are attempting new talks. Meanwhile, the trend for both the […]

Is the Left Threatening Republican Rallies to Win the Elections?

The left has always been the most violent in politics mainly because they blame others for their own failure. Already we are starting to see a trend where threats are being made against political rallies for the Republicans. Police have had to respond to threats of violence against Republicans but perhaps the most serious threat was targeting the […]

Political Uncertainty is the New Contagion?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I understand how the chaos with Trump is the wildcard for the stock market going forward which is something we need to follow here even from Europe. But we have chaos in Germany with Merkel who looks like a dictator who will only leave office if you drag her out by the hair. […]

Fake News is Unbelievable – When is Enough going to be Enough

    A TV reporter is caught acting pretending the wind is so strong in Florence while two people in the background are casually walking by. Besides that, the wind is coming from behind him and he is acting as if he is fighting against the wind from the opposite direction. Hurricane Florence was downgraded […]

Has Omarosa Manigault Newman Proves She is Unemployable?

Former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman said that she and others used #TFA in text messages, a reference to the 25th Amendment, when President Donald Trump did something “insane” or “so crazy.” In all honesty, she never before mentioned the 25th Amendment until the Op_Ed. She is an endless promoter and certainly, after this escapade, […]

Market Talk- September 14, 2018

Asian markets ended the day strong, with the majority of the broader indexes increasing over 1%. Japanese Nikkei Index rose 1.2% albiet the manufacturing was slightly worse than expected; bringing the index to a 7 month high (Monday is a closed trading day). The exception to this case for a positive Asia was the Chinese […]