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Market Talk – July 25, 2019

ASIA: More news emerged from a Chinese released whitepaper regarding the country’s military strategy on the South China Sea China. The release expressed that “China exercises its national sovereignty to build infrastructure and deploy necessary defensive capabilities on the islands and reefs in the South China Sea and to conduct patrols in the waters of […]

Market Talk – July 24, 2019

ASIA: Russia and China had their first joint operation yesterday. The Chinese defense ministry says four bombers, supported by fighter jets, patrolled a pre-planned route over the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea. However, China’s neighbors were not happy with the operation. South Korea said its jets fired flares and machine gun warning […]

Why Hedge Funds Have Missed the Moves

COMMENT: Well, Ray Dalio was short the market, missed the rally, and lost almost 5% for the first half of the year. Obviously, they don’t use Socrates – lol. LB REPLY: I do not advise Bridgewater and I have no idea if they even subscribe to Socrates. But what you have to realize is that […]

Market Talk – July 22, 2019

ASIA: Mass protests occurred over the weekend in Hong Kong. The public was forewarned of the protests through social media as locals were advised to stay clear of protestors. Overall, China was pleased with the handling of the protestors by local authorities. The Foreign Ministry said local authorities should use all necessary measures to “safeguard […]

Market Talk – July 19, 2019

ASIA: The latest news regarding the U.S.–China trade deal is that progress has stalled. China demands that the U.S. changes their stance and ease restrictions on Huawei. The U.S. and Chinese senior officials spoke by phone this week, this represents only the second call since the G20 meeting in June where the two countries agreed […]

Market Talk – July 18, 2019

ASIA: Chinese officials who are in charge of Hong Kong affairs have drafted a plan to resolve the Hong Kong political chaos – but the report reiterated that they will not be using military action. CNBC has reported that more than 50 multinational companies have pulled out of China since the trade war broke out […]

Market Talk – July 17, 2019

ASIA: China told the Trump administration today to “make up its mind” regarding the trade deal, according to the South China Morning Post. China also warned that additional tariffs will derail the current negotiations. U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin this week stated that he and his entourage could be traveling to China this week if […]

Market Talk – July 16, 2019

ASIA: President Trump said today that there is a long way to go to reach the conclusion to this US-China trade deal. Additionally, there is a possibility of adding tariffs on another 325 billion USD worth of goods. China, meanwhile, has added another member to the negotiating team – the current minister Zhong Shan who […]

The Great Alignment & 2020

QUESTION: Hi Marty, are the current political events in Hong Kong linked to the turning point for Hong Kong especially with regards to the currency peg? Thanks for all your work NC ANSWER: This turning point in the ECM on January 2020 appears to be the turn in public confidence on a global scale. Much […]

The US Treasury Does Have the Constitutional Right to Mint Coins

QUESTION: Marty, You are wrong. The US Treasury can create the money as the Constitution says it can. Article I, Section 8, Clause 5. The Congress shall have the Power to coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures. To coin is used as a […]