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Paul Volcker and the move Toward a New Bretton Woods

Paul Volcker spoke at the annual meeting of the Bretton Woods Committee in Washington on May 21st, 2014 (yes once a committee is forms it lives forever). His remarks offer a guide that behind the curtain there are some who see the problems we face in the monetary system, albeit not yet that from a […]

Bildebergs Losing Control?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; There are people who claim you refuse to see the obvious that there is a group called the Bildebergs that they insist even Hillary Clinton admitted they do nothing without consulting them. It just seems absurd that these people point to such all powerful groups who control the world in unison yet […]

First Time in British History 3rd Party Wins! Welcome the Rise in 3rd Parties

I have been warning that the economic pressure began in Europe. It began precisely to the day on Pi following the 2007.15 turning point. This same turning point from the previous wave pinpointed the 911 attack. That said, this was significant. I have been saying the dollar will be the last to fall – not […]

Awesome Putin – Russian Solders Appear in Ukraine

QUESTION: Hey Marty, Don’t you think that Obama has played Ukraine right? In my opinion, he has done the right thing by not going anywhere near a “putting boots on the ground” scenario. I can not help but think that the hype is completely wrong about Putin only getting involved in Ukraine because he views […]

A Significant Change in Trend

The U.S. monthly international trade deficit decreased in March 2014 according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis and the U.S. Census Bureau. The deficit actually  decreased from $41.9 billion in February (revised) to $40.4 billion in March as exports increased more than imports. This recovery in the US economy is showing signs of shifting […]

Conspiracy – Or Just One Step at a Time?

QUESTION: You say there was no CIA plot in Ukraine and I can see that not even Britain was willing to send troops to Ukraine because of this popular story of a CIA instigated revolution. The feeling in Europe is precisely that. To defend Ukraine would be another Iraq and America cannot be trusted. Whilst […]

Tax & The Top 1% – Who Are They? – The Pending Sovereign Debt Big Bang

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and it’s great to see that not even little ole us in Canada escapes your reaches!  Not only is Premier Wynne changing the definition of the meaning of “rich” in Ontario, yesterday’s budget also proposes a forced government pension plan.  She is proposing withholding […]

AI Possibilities – a Bad Hair Day?

QUESTION: Martin, I just read an interesting article by Stephen Hawking extrapolating on both the benefits and dangers of AI. He specifically referenced the dangers by saying “One can imagine such technology outsmarting financial markets, out-inventing human researchers, out-manipulating human leaders, and developing weapons we cannot even understand. Whereas the short-term impact of AI depends on […]

Thomas Piketty – Another Economist on the loose out to DESTROY the World as We Know it.

Just what we need – another economist with ZERO real work experience. The latest economist destined to destroy the world in the same manner as Karl Marx is Thomas Piketty and his new book Capital in the Twenty-First Century that is destined to perhaps kill more people than Marx ever did. Piketty is only focused on the […]

GMW v Market Forecasting & ECM

 There are three complete different core models that we are employing that are absolutely totally unique and the interesting thing is when they CONVERGE – not that they have anything in common otherwise. The Economic Confidence Model is a business cycle and that has been tested back to at least 600BC. It shows the rise […]