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Canada Also Adopted the BAIL-IN moving from Socialism to Tyranny

Yes – Canada has also adopted the BAIL-IN abandoning the socialist BAILOUT so banks can take depositors money legally. This is how we move from Capitalism to Socialism to Tyranny,  

Britain’s New Law UNEXPLAINED WEALTH ORDERS Targeting the Rich

From January 31st, 2018, the UK authorities have a new power. They can now use new and expansive investigative authority to require both individuals and corporate bodies to provide information as to how they acquired property. Known as Unexplained Wealth Orders (“UWOs”), which is another step toward tyranny all because governments are totally incapable of managing their […]

Collapse of Socialism – End of Pensions

  I have been warning that we are in the midst of (1) collapse in democracy as the bureaucracy attempts to ensure they get their’s, (2) the collapse of socialism, which is the implosion of social programs, and (3) the collapse of pensions set in motion by the artificially low-interest rates for the past 10 […]

California Counties Suing Exxon Commit Securities Fraud?

The Global Warming Conspiracy is desperately trying to destroy the world and end modern society as we know it. Of course, it is California countries who have argued in court bringing a lawsuit against Exxon and others claiming that by 2050, their towns will be destroyed and under water because of the fossil fuels. Exxon has […]

India Enters the Sovereign Debt Crisis

I have warned continually that the Sovereign Debt Crisis will unfold not so much by people selling government debt, but by the lack of people buying new debt. The greatest peril is when there is NO BID for the new issues because all governments are operating a PONZI scheme. They sell new debt to pay off maturing debt. […]

Rising Interest Rates

While the stock market crashed as the pundit looked in their bag to try to come up with an excuse, they blamed rising inflation and interest rates. Yet, nobody is really paying attention to the underlying trend. The cost of carrying debt has been rising gradually and there are noticeable measurable impacts that the pundits are […]

Mueller Expands his Investigation Desperate to Bring Down Trump

CNN is ecstatic. Mueller cannot prove any connection between Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and Russia, so now he is turning to investigate if he solicited China or Qatar to invest any money in his company during the campaign. This is what I mean about Mueller. He is a vile and very evil man who is […]

Adapting Machine Learning for Medicine

One project I want to move into after we finally get Socrates up for all levels of service is to turn toward medicine. Google’s AI algorithm predicts heart disease by scanning your eyes. They have used machine learning to accomplish what a doctor would do by traditional methods including blood work. Medicine suffers from the same […]

Socialism Always Moves to Tyranny

  The economic message taught in most universities is very distorted. It universally teaches children to judge economic systems from the perspective of their victims. They will endlessly point out the impoverished people and the devastation of the climate as proof that capitalism is evil and that we need government to intervene. We have economist […]

Funeral Arrangements for Ida Armstrong this Week

We want to thank so many people for their emails. Martin’s mother attended several of the conferences so many people met her and of course she was the star of the movie, the FORECASTER.  Those asking where to send flowers, the place would be: Givnish Funeral Home of Maple Shade 600 E Main St, Maple […]