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Really Crazy Taxes That Altered Society like the Beard Tax Creating Resistance & Status Symbols

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; As a Canuck, I enjoyed your piece on the window and step tax for I fear Trudeau may start reading your blog for ideas. You have to come up with a program that blocks politicians. I love how they call Trump a racist down there showing they are real idiots for they do not know […]

Canada’s Conservative Split Forming a New Party

Maxime Bernier PC MP is a Canadian businessman, lawyer, and politician, who is currently serving as Member of Parliament for the Quebec riding of Beauce, having been elected four times. He has pointed out that it is always the ordinary taxpayers who ultimately have to pay for all these benefits promised by the government. He has argued […]

We have TWO Constitutional Crises At Issue

  While we now have people chanting to impeach Trump under the 25th Amendment, we also have a true Treasonous Constitutional Crisis of UNELECTED bureaucrats working to undermine an ELECTED official by the people. Regardless of the issue in play, which they refuse to describe as in the OP_ED, this is a major Constitutional Crisis […]

Without Investigation We Do Not Even Know the Right Questions to be Answered

QUESTION: I noticed your chart on the third party activity. Do you find that it does not matter what data series you are looking at the patterns are always the same? Thank you for your brilliant education WH ANSWER: That is an absolutely correct statement. What you are looking at be it politics or markets, […]

Market Talk- September 10, 2018

Interesting that China markets remain heavy even whilst the Nikkei managed a bounce. Both Shanghai and the Hang Seng suffered over 1% losses today. Obviously, President Trump mentioning of an additional $267bn late last week didn’t help matters and that continues to nerve a broader audience again today. We continue to see money leaving the […]

Venezuela & the Flight of Capital from Public to Private

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; The chart you posted on the Venezuela share market really made me see what you have been saying. Collapse the confidence in government and capital flees to the private sector. This is never taught in school! You have to write a book for posterity. Please! RW REPLY: The Venezuelan share market has soared […]

Beware of Political Uncertainty

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I take it your concern over Trump from the market perspective is the sheer uncertainty that is evolving. How do you see this playing out for the world economy? Thank you. I agree. These people who hate Trump just hate him so passionately. MRU ANSWER: Markets do not like UNCERTAINTY. These people […]

Caution – The Left Never Plays Nicely with Others

COMMENT: I know a guy who just hates Trump and claims he hates Trump because he is a racist and incompetent and says I am a racist because I did not like Obama. But nobody that I ever knew hated Obama with such personal vindictiveness. These people would rather burn the house down and seem […]

France’s Dream of Europe without NATO

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; The French have never been real supporters of America and NATO. They have always wanted to be seen as a world power since Charles DeGaul. What is your view on Macron’s answer to Trump’s demand that they pay their fair share of NATO to turn to Russia? JE ANSWER: The French President […]

Civil Unrest for 2018/2019 Post Election Cycle – The End of the United States?

QUESTION: I have followed you for many years and read you daily. To the point, I was looking at the riots in LA 1n 1965 and then the riots in 1992, that being 27 years so I divided that by 8.6 and got 3.14, so I backtested 27 years and found more race-related riots etc. Does […]