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New World Order – Collapsing Economy

QUESTION: You do not believe in the New Work Order and the bankers orchestrating the collapse of the economy? JP ANSWER: Sorry no. The banks are in serious retreat. They have been caught manipulating various markets for short-term gains. They have to abandon commodity trading and Morgan Stanley just sold the energy trading to Russia. […]

Lebanon 1982 – The First War The Computer Predicted On its Own

QUESTION: hi Marty i follow  your work constantly and try to apply it to the best of both my ability and understanding of the material you present. in the 80s i was still a university student in Lebanon , and at that time the Lebanese Lira was rapidly losing value, luckily my dad bought USD […]

Gold Worst Year Performance since 1981

Gold never actually broke out in real terms – only nominal. Adjusted for inflation, gold has actually been one of the worse investments since 1980. A $1,000 in 1980 invested in gold get you about $1,371 today compared to the Dow Jones that would yield at $16,000 plus dividends or closer to $18,000. MINING has […]

New World Order

Some people seem to think there is a serious plan to create a New World Order with a single government. You cannot even get Congress to agree no less the European Union. Yes, the theory was to unite Europe and that would eliminate future war. In reality, it shows a single entity is impossible and […]

Collapsing the Economy Makes No Sense

COMMENT: So government has no interest in collapsing the economy, but they do in collapsing the Twin Towers as you intimated?  We’re all a bit looney in our own way I guess. JC REPLY: Follow the money. 911 expanded their power and got rid of an investigation into $2.3 trillion missing money at the Pentagon […]

Chinese Press Urges Retribution Against Japan

Japanese leaders visited the War Memorial and the Chinese press has urged retaliation. China is feeling its strength and many there still hate the Japanese. It is even very hard to find a Japanese restaurant in Beijing or South East Asia for that matter, The resentment against the Japanese runs very deep and ruling out […]

Doomsday Postponed? – Top 9 Theories Behind Gold Proven False

The report put out by MINING.COM on the top 9 stories that drove gold have proven to be false, is a very interesting read that people should take to heart. The real driving forces behind gold will be one of the topics at the upcoming Cycles of War – Gold – Sovereign Debt Crisis on […]

Gold The Real Long-Term View & Year-End Indicator

  Spot Gold 1789 – 2012 Here is gold in NOMINAL dollars back to the start of the USA in 1789. Taking the 1869 high and the 1980 high, the support starts in the 1100 level. But the oscillators are high and that was another confirmation that what goes up must come down. The closing […]

Deutsche Bank and Magnum

QUESTION: I invested in your public funds at Deutsche Bank and Magnum. Your performance was unbelievable. Will you ever manage money again? We could really use you now. Best regards; GH ANSWER: No. That is really a 7 day a week job 21 hours on call and I still have a hard time sleeping more […]

Is 40,000 on the Dow Enough?

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, You have said that the Dow could reach 40,000 by 2032. That is a compound annual growth rate of 4.94%. Is that even enough to rescue the pension funds, or are they doomed regardless? Thanks, MB ANSWER: No it is not. The projection of 40,000-42,000 is a NORMAL projection, and not […]