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Market Talk – May 11, 2021

ASIA:   Moody’s Investors Service on Tuesday slashed India’s growth forecast for the current financial year to 9.3 per cent saying that the second wave of coronavirus infections hampers economic recovery and increases risk of longer-term scarring. With this, Moody’s has joined several analysts who revised their GDP forecasts for India in the face of […]

On May 8th Soldiers Send Second Letter Threatening Macron

The reports are pouring in from around the world about May 8th. In France, another group of serving French soldiers has published a new open letter warning President Macron that the “survival” of France is at stake after he made “concessions” to Islamism. The letter was posted on the Valeurs Actuelles website late on Sunday, May […]

May 8th & New UK Legislation This Week – Build Back Better

COMMENT: Marty; Here in Britain May 8th will prove to be important. This is the week that Johnson announced he would introduce his new legislation to “build back better” so it looks like this is going to be an important turning point. WN REPLY: Perhaps that and the EU’s dream of a one-term confiscation of […]

Market Talk – May 10, 2021

ASIA: The Chinese yuan advanced to its strongest level since 2018 as it defied attempts by the central bank to slow its gains amid an improving outlook for China’s economy. The currency rose as much as 0.3% to 6.4114 a dollar, the strongest since June 2018, after breaching its previous year-to-date high of 6.4245 reached […]

The Evil Rising in the World

COMMENT: Martin, Just by chance, I wanted to look up your small blog again “Europe is under control of world economic forum”. Typed it in google search, your blog didn’t come up on the first 5 pages of results, and I didn’t look beyond that. Typed it in Duck Duck Go, your blog came up […]

Interesting Times

COMMENT: Hello Martin May 8th seemed to be a turning point and from what I have read from your readers many things happened. I found this quite strange don’t know if it is significant but in Scotland we had the elections on 6 May. Usually, what happens are the votes are counted throughout the night. This […]

Comments on May 8th

COMMENT: Marty; they took a new power on May 8th here in Canada. They are arresting pastors now as ring leaders for holding church services. This was a serious turning point in Canada on May 8th. JH COMMENT: A turning point for Canada’s history….This man is a hero. JB   COMMENT: all this for arresting […]

Market Talk – May 7, 2021

ASIA: The International Monetary Fund said on Thursday the recent jump in COVID-19 cases in India posed downside risks to the Fund’s April forecast for 12.5% growth in India’s economic output in fiscal years 2021 and 2022. The IMF will revisit that forecast when it issued a fresh World Economic Outlook in July, IMF spokesman […]

Forget California for Tourists – COVID Passports Required

Disneyland in California reopened last Friday. They may call it the Happiest Place on Earth, but they are discriminating against non-Californians. Access has been restricted to California residents, and if you ain’t a left-wing Californian, then the state won’t let tourists in from the rest of the country or the rest of the world without […]

Market Talk – May 6, 2021

ASIA: China has “indefinitely” suspended key economic dialogue with Australia, the latest in a growing diplomatic rift between both countries. The relations between two countries have been on the decline since Australia called for a probe into the origins of the virus and banned Huawei from building its 5G network. In a statement on Thursday, […]